marilyn piercing on me. yes or no?
More Blogs
Saturday Sep 11, 2004
*grin* onterrible, here i come! mwa ha ha! tiamat added me as … -
Saturday Sep 11, 2004
ooops zombiewoman! -
Saturday Sep 11, 2004
i get to go to onterrible soon, and visit toronah, and then, maybe, m… -
Wednesday Sep 08, 2004
i need nookie. wahhh! i realised today that almost all of my friend… -
Wednesday Sep 01, 2004
best friend is coming over from van to visit lil ole me. yay! -
Friday Aug 27, 2004
marilyn piercing on me. yes or no? -
Monday Aug 23, 2004
meow! -
Friday Aug 20, 2004
so the plan is to get haunted house fencing tattooed along my arms an…
2) how often do you cheat? Not often enough Im more of the Cheattie then the cheater
3) favourite sleeping position?On my right side
Ok Im not going to sugar coat the pics but my boss wanted that SPRIG of Rosemarry on the plate I was like "Vlad"(thats my bosses name) Its high enough we dont need that" but he wanded that so I did it. all so those were customers plates so I wiped that sauce off but Vlad took the pic just before.
I welcome your opinion TY for your feedback