NEIL GAIMAN is coming to town, to read from his new novel. I admit that i haven't read much of his work lately, but i still remain one of his fans. a large amount of my friends are going, and this good, because it's a night that doesn't involve drinking or some such thing.
I will be leaving bc on the 12th to go to... Read More
yeah, that's right, bitches, only ten days until bf comes home. if i sound like i'm obsessing, it's because i am. if one's loved one goes away for three months at a time, it does eventually take it's toll.
what else is new? nothing, really. 31 days until halloween? are you ready?>??
lady miss em touched up my meow tattoo, gave me some uncomfort for about half an hour. it will heal, and then, i will post pics.
i hate overhearing other people's inane conversations on the bus. if only i could find my earphones. if only i had the energy to walk the 1/2 hour to downtown. if only i didn't hate the sun so much,... Read More
Do you have any pics?? A graveyard would be cool, or maybe like a dead flower garden or a dark forest. If I could see it would be a lot easier but I hope my suggestions helped!!
Yeah those all sound like great ideas. I can't wait to start my back piece, I am actually going back to Dallas for a while so hopefully I can get my tattoo artist to give me the hook-up. Send me pics ASAP!!!!!