It's been the worst day since yesterday...
Sorry I haven't updated much lately. Been super busy with getting back to school and travelling and what not.
Well, today I managed to knock the entire bumper off of my car. Somehow I hit a pole while trying to park and the whole damn thing flew off. Basically I have to get an entire new front bumper along with the mounts for it.
Lord knows how much that'll cost me.
On the bright side, it would appear that my insurance is going to handle a major portion of the bill for my wisdom teeth. Only have to pay around $200.
My classes started today. Kinda sucked. Missed my first class because of the accident. The second class, public affairs reporting, is pretty good, while my publishing to the web class blows goats.
Argh...there's a whole separate drama at the paper. We don't have phones, internet or a way to contact the outside world. No phone, no fax, no motorcar, not a single luxury. At least my office is nice!
Just found out I have to go out to Cleveland in a month to work some games. Might work some more the weekend of the 11th. Yay me.
Sorry I haven't updated much lately. Been super busy with getting back to school and travelling and what not.
Well, today I managed to knock the entire bumper off of my car. Somehow I hit a pole while trying to park and the whole damn thing flew off. Basically I have to get an entire new front bumper along with the mounts for it.
Lord knows how much that'll cost me.
On the bright side, it would appear that my insurance is going to handle a major portion of the bill for my wisdom teeth. Only have to pay around $200.
My classes started today. Kinda sucked. Missed my first class because of the accident. The second class, public affairs reporting, is pretty good, while my publishing to the web class blows goats.
Argh...there's a whole separate drama at the paper. We don't have phones, internet or a way to contact the outside world. No phone, no fax, no motorcar, not a single luxury. At least my office is nice!
Just found out I have to go out to Cleveland in a month to work some games. Might work some more the weekend of the 11th. Yay me.
Which means I deleted yours... cuz it wasn't a double post. Can't allow that.
[Edited on Sep 03, 2004 5:13AM]