Anti-biotics suck.
You can't drink when you take them. At least that's the line that the pharmacist feeds me. This is prime drinking time.
So anyway, I was flipping through the friends stuff today and saw that LissaSF82 isn't active anymore. Kinda disappointed because she seemed like a really interesting woman. She does the whole journalism thing too except she's magazines and I'm newspapers.
Other than that, nothing new to report. Wrote three stories today. Just things to run incase we get strapped for content!
Nite y'all!
You can't drink when you take them. At least that's the line that the pharmacist feeds me. This is prime drinking time.
So anyway, I was flipping through the friends stuff today and saw that LissaSF82 isn't active anymore. Kinda disappointed because she seemed like a really interesting woman. She does the whole journalism thing too except she's magazines and I'm newspapers.
Other than that, nothing new to report. Wrote three stories today. Just things to run incase we get strapped for content!
Nite y'all!
"Is it serious or just one of those hockey romances?"
-Luke Wilson in Alex and Emma