"So when are all my troubles gonna end? I'm understanding now that we are only friends. To this day I'm asking why I still think about you"
So that sums up a good portion of my evening.
For some reason lately I haven't been able to sleep all that well. Tossing and turning and what not. Somehow I can't seem to find a groove to fit in. When finally do get to sleep, I get roused from my slumber by the phone (even though it's on silent.)
So my evening.
I met up with some kids from the paper to hash out our budget and ad rates for next semester. We got done around ten and I ended up calling Anna cause she had text messaged me saying she was feeling bad earlier in the week. So we got together and got some mango juice and sat in the park. The park I took her to the first time we went to the city together. And she wore the shirt. The shirt she wore when I first met her.
We talked for awhile. Mostly about bad British TV. Laughed at drunks. Talked about how she doesn't have a job and how she just isn't happy and how her parents are on the outs. Sounds to me like she's really, truely miserable.
And it tears me up.
Argh. I met her new boy. He's the 6th since we stopped dating. About a foot shorter than I am and typical of the scenesters she sees. It's really funny, out of those 6 or so, 5 of them have had names that start with the letter "J".
Oh well.
So who can tell me why after two and a half years apart, I'm still a sucker for this girl?
Anyway, on to happier news. The skates rule. If any of you have an extra $400 bucks, I highly suggest you purchase a pair of Graf 727s.
I saw Napoleon Dynamite last night. God was it awful. Melissa said it'd be funny. It wasn't. Not even after a beer before the show. On the bright side, I went to high school with the bartender, so we went back there after the film. Got loaded for a mere $17 bucks. (ten of that was tip) Ahh...connections.
Sorry to make you people endure this shitty post. I promise the next one will be better.
So that sums up a good portion of my evening.
For some reason lately I haven't been able to sleep all that well. Tossing and turning and what not. Somehow I can't seem to find a groove to fit in. When finally do get to sleep, I get roused from my slumber by the phone (even though it's on silent.)
So my evening.
I met up with some kids from the paper to hash out our budget and ad rates for next semester. We got done around ten and I ended up calling Anna cause she had text messaged me saying she was feeling bad earlier in the week. So we got together and got some mango juice and sat in the park. The park I took her to the first time we went to the city together. And she wore the shirt. The shirt she wore when I first met her.
We talked for awhile. Mostly about bad British TV. Laughed at drunks. Talked about how she doesn't have a job and how she just isn't happy and how her parents are on the outs. Sounds to me like she's really, truely miserable.
And it tears me up.
Argh. I met her new boy. He's the 6th since we stopped dating. About a foot shorter than I am and typical of the scenesters she sees. It's really funny, out of those 6 or so, 5 of them have had names that start with the letter "J".
Oh well.
So who can tell me why after two and a half years apart, I'm still a sucker for this girl?
Anyway, on to happier news. The skates rule. If any of you have an extra $400 bucks, I highly suggest you purchase a pair of Graf 727s.
I saw Napoleon Dynamite last night. God was it awful. Melissa said it'd be funny. It wasn't. Not even after a beer before the show. On the bright side, I went to high school with the bartender, so we went back there after the film. Got loaded for a mere $17 bucks. (ten of that was tip) Ahh...connections.
Sorry to make you people endure this shitty post. I promise the next one will be better.

311 puts on a fucking great show. even fi you're not into them, i'm sure you'd be jammin too.
and i know that my friend travis is doing a great thing, and i know he's strong and will come out okay, but i'm just worried you know? thanks for the positive vibes tho.