Another deary day in Philadelphia.
This is my first SG post, I figured I would have at it. Got to get into the SGPhilly group.
So it's still early in the semester here at Temple and shit isn't quite solidified yet. Once I get my individual piano lessons worked out, i'm sure I'll be spending most of my time in a sound proof module in the basement of Rock Hall, working on a Steinway. Getting up every day at 8 for theory (my major) is proving difficult and quite frequently unsuccessful. I guess that is what happens when you have a strong chemical presence in your life.
After living here since August, this finally feels like home. Even though my roommate never fucking leaves.
I just made my way through the Satanic Bible. It was an easy read, at leat, and farily entertaining. Can anyone say, "Black mass in Nate's apartment tonight!"?
Speaking of the devil, the new TMV album is straight-from-the-pits-of-hell to die for. It haunts my every moment, awake and asleep. "It's only a matter of folding time and space before I become your epidemic." Scary shit. Buy The Bedlamn in Goliath today.
Tonight includes a party at John's, some fantastic NYC cocaine, and a bit of drinking.
This is my first SG post, I figured I would have at it. Got to get into the SGPhilly group.
So it's still early in the semester here at Temple and shit isn't quite solidified yet. Once I get my individual piano lessons worked out, i'm sure I'll be spending most of my time in a sound proof module in the basement of Rock Hall, working on a Steinway. Getting up every day at 8 for theory (my major) is proving difficult and quite frequently unsuccessful. I guess that is what happens when you have a strong chemical presence in your life.
After living here since August, this finally feels like home. Even though my roommate never fucking leaves.
I just made my way through the Satanic Bible. It was an easy read, at leat, and farily entertaining. Can anyone say, "Black mass in Nate's apartment tonight!"?
Speaking of the devil, the new TMV album is straight-from-the-pits-of-hell to die for. It haunts my every moment, awake and asleep. "It's only a matter of folding time and space before I become your epidemic." Scary shit. Buy The Bedlamn in Goliath today.
Tonight includes a party at John's, some fantastic NYC cocaine, and a bit of drinking.
