ok whats up folks, yet another shitty day at the baltimore zoo. why you ask? i'll tell you why cause my fucking stupid ass boss keeps giving me her work to dude and also gave me something to do like 2 weeks ago and told me there wasn't a dead line for it, but what do i find out today? that her boss tells me there is a dead line and i've got a week to get it done
this just pisses me off. you know what i'm going to do if her boss trys to come down on me i'm blameing the hole fucking thing on her hahaha
but anyway i'm happy cause i'll have my dreds again and this is going on my 3rd time havning dreds and this time i'm going to keep them and + i saw the best moving of my life the other night that is now my fav and that would be 28 days later i say for everyone to go see this moive its the best well thats it for now later days

and don't worry when i go over there we get drunk and fuck your work up