I started thinking the other day of just how connected we are to each other these days and with cell phones, text messages, myspace, facebook, Twitter, ect. We can be connected to everyone we know via some device near us.
While I think cell phones have been one of the greatest tech breakthroughs of the last 20 years and have a number of useful purposes it's also used for more dumb shit then any other device know to man. Whenever I walk through the mall I overhear dozens of conversations that have no fucking purpose. When was the last time you overheard a cell phone conversation that was important? I've heard people calling people up just to tell them that someone was rude to them in a store. I often wonder how many millions of hours have been wasted on completely stupid needless cell phone calls?
And let us not forget the guys who have there cell phones full of pics of drunk girls tits. I guess it's just human nature to use everything we can to fulfill our primal sexual desires but come on. Do you really need a cell phone full of porn? Guys carry them around like badges of honor to compare and share with each other like trading baseball cards "Hey, I'll trade you a B-cup blonde for a C-cup brunette."
With the overwhelming way that the internet has became integrated into our everyday lives it seems that more and more people are putting everything about there lives online for people to read. I'm not sure if It's peoples need to get attention or if it's just becoming part of the culture. Hell, I'm guilty of it. I got a myspace & fadebook like apparently like most of the planet that I put a lot of useless information for no apparent reason.
I love the art of conversation. I think with all this instant information people have conversation seems to have taken the back seat to how humans interact with each other. Maybe that's why people I can have good conversations with I hold in such I regard. Some of my favorite times I've had with people is just sitting somewhere and talking. The irony of having a device that gives you access to talk to anyone at anytime is killing conversations is not lost on me. I don't think I have met one person through the net that I have became a really good friend with. I've met a few I say hi to and are on good terms but no one that has made a huge impact on my life. Most I find it hard to become good friends with someone I can't look in the eyes. Maybe that's the way the world is heading the closest thing we have to human contact is look at someone in there pixelated photoshoped eyes.
While I think cell phones have been one of the greatest tech breakthroughs of the last 20 years and have a number of useful purposes it's also used for more dumb shit then any other device know to man. Whenever I walk through the mall I overhear dozens of conversations that have no fucking purpose. When was the last time you overheard a cell phone conversation that was important? I've heard people calling people up just to tell them that someone was rude to them in a store. I often wonder how many millions of hours have been wasted on completely stupid needless cell phone calls?
And let us not forget the guys who have there cell phones full of pics of drunk girls tits. I guess it's just human nature to use everything we can to fulfill our primal sexual desires but come on. Do you really need a cell phone full of porn? Guys carry them around like badges of honor to compare and share with each other like trading baseball cards "Hey, I'll trade you a B-cup blonde for a C-cup brunette."
With the overwhelming way that the internet has became integrated into our everyday lives it seems that more and more people are putting everything about there lives online for people to read. I'm not sure if It's peoples need to get attention or if it's just becoming part of the culture. Hell, I'm guilty of it. I got a myspace & fadebook like apparently like most of the planet that I put a lot of useless information for no apparent reason.
I love the art of conversation. I think with all this instant information people have conversation seems to have taken the back seat to how humans interact with each other. Maybe that's why people I can have good conversations with I hold in such I regard. Some of my favorite times I've had with people is just sitting somewhere and talking. The irony of having a device that gives you access to talk to anyone at anytime is killing conversations is not lost on me. I don't think I have met one person through the net that I have became a really good friend with. I've met a few I say hi to and are on good terms but no one that has made a huge impact on my life. Most I find it hard to become good friends with someone I can't look in the eyes. Maybe that's the way the world is heading the closest thing we have to human contact is look at someone in there pixelated photoshoped eyes.