Does anyone else remember that one year when Easter fell on 4/20? Blaze it and Praise it am I right?? Ha! ANYWAYS, Easter didn't land on 4/20 this year (a TRUE shame) but our set "Down the Rabbit Hole" went live just in in time for it!
FUN FACT: We spent almost a full HOUR looking for Jelly Beans after shooting this set! We found them in the plants, the rug, the couch etc. While hunting down the beans, we found a little plastic Zip-Lock-Baggie full of candy, pennies and Chuck-E-Cheese tickets hidden in the cushions! LOL We spent a good 20 minutes trying to figure out what would be weirder: leaving it in the couch or trying to explain why / how we found a kid's secret-candy-stash in the couch cushions. We decided to leave it alone but it was for SURE the funniest part of the day!
You can tell we had a really great time shooting this set based on all the smiles and laughter you see in the shots! It was for sure a weekend to remember and we wouldn't trade those memories for the world <3
Take care and happyy Easter!
- Scar + Morrigan (written by the cooler one, Scar)