You know - looking back, it's crazy to think that 2020 is almost to a close! It's especially a weird one for a lot of us members/photographers/models because COVID really set back our travel and shooting opportunities. But even in the midst of the craziness, we've always found happiness and comfort in our community here on Suicide Girls. In ways, our relationships and friendships only grew stronger because we were forced to communicate and be more vulnerable with our needs and boundaries than ever. It's on the long list of reasons we are so fortunate for both the friends and collaborators we've met over the years.
Here is to hopping 2021 is the year of us submitting more sets and meeting new people within the community!
Scar + Morrigan
@dame needs to make her way back to Chicago SOON! <3
Ah! The 2020 Nashville shootfest hosted by @bizzy (A QUEEN.)
Such a great mini-shootfest with @morguenmarie, @hellcat and @epyk. We all had a really safe time, and it was our first time shooting since the Stay-at-home-order. All of us agreed to get COVID tested prior to the shoot, shared our results and restricted our time outside/not in the house as much as possible to maintain 100% safety! All of us ensured we drove vs. flew and everyone had their own bedroom / bathroom. Super safe and so energizing. THEY EVEN GOT TO MEET SALLY THE SET DOG!
OOPS! More Sally The Set Dog w/ @flowless <3
And last but (NOT least) the infamous booty-video of 2020 with @samicat , @tigerlilly and @dewdrop !