In light of this great occasion, we wanted to kick off YOUR weekend with some of our fave 🍑 from our sets throughout our SG years!
Coming up first is from our most recent set with @hellcat, Chrysanthemum (which in full transparency, I never knew how to spell until this set went live.) Hellcat is a friend and total sweetheart! We appreciate how much she cares about her content and the people in her community of followers. She's truly an inspiration in-terms of just a cool person and also a fantastic entrepreneur. If you haven't collaborated with her yet, you're missing out!
Second in line is from our most recently submitted set with @flowless, Indigo Bunting. We're really hyped about this one. Not only did it lead to a dope friendship (No really, we've on multiple occasions made the 3 hour drive just to hang! ) but also, Flowless is just such a fun content creator. You can really tell she's used to being on both sides of the camera. She also just had her first set as a photographer go live! Made with @morguenmarie. Check it, here.
Third in line is from one of our OLDEST sets, @wildiris97 in her debut set, Blushing Boho. FUNFACT: She flew in from COLORADO for this set! We were so honored, truly. Being trusted with hopeful sets is beyond important to us especially when someone is willing to go the extra mile (ha! Literally) to work together. Even cooler? This whole set was shot in a cute boho yurt in a cutie pie little Wisconsin town where I had a beer called "Hot Donna" (That 70's show fans anyone?) She was also a recco from our dear friend @saba who has a two fabulous sets you should check out. One of them by our friend @cygnet, found here.
And last (but never least) the freakin' dream girl herself @dame, from our most recent SOTD Better Than Breakfast. FYI, Dame picked this fabulous set name. I think anyone who meets Dame knows she's a POWERHOUSE. She's badass, never afraid to speak her mind while also SO CUTE!! All she ever does is giggle and smile. This set was fun to create because working together, we all really got to make a set (that in our opinion) shows off how truly strong she is. :)
Also, I didn't want to spoil her set by showing a sneak peak. But congratulations to new Suicide Girl @alikatt! @zen and Alikatt made some beautiful work together. If you haven't given it a look, do so here.
What's your favorite booty shot?? Whether it be your own, someone else's or just general booty appreciation! Comment below with pics! Also, should I just make this a regular thing?? I had so much fun writing it!
Love and good vibes - Scar 💖
@rambo @Sean @teal @missy