ARHHHHHHHHHHH I had chittty night to maney fuck nuts where I work . If you do not know what you are doing with a computer do not touch it you can break it even worse arrrr .I have to have a meeting with some truck drivers tomarrow for the freaking 3rd time to tell them to call me and dont try and rip the fucking computers out of the truck gesh wtf people . Any ways When I got off work I was going down the street and some punk ass kids pulled up next to me then they threw a egg at my freaking new car . But what they did not know my car has a turbo charger in it so I caught up with there asses and starting throwing coke cans and all kinds of chit at them I think I scared the chit out them lolll . I have bad rhoad rage with chit like that cant help it I snap in a sec and dont think but hell you cant blame me . ANy ways I am going to try and get a whole 4 hours of sleep before I do this meeting fucking dumb ass people wtf have some comon sence chit .
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[Edited on Apr 12, 2006 6:54AM]