It's nice when your supervisor is on leave for the day and no one has any work for you to all day you surf the interenet and buy things...
lookie lookie what I ordered:
...I love when they put things on clearance (it would only be better if I still worked there and got a discount but the flip side would be the measley earnings they pay which don't allow you to buy anything but food and transportation).....
On even happier news I'm going back to NMSU on Aug 20th....Yay....I love having money!!!
Daily Gripe of the day:
Why is it that everyone is against me getting home in a timely manner? Why must stupid people stand on the left half of the escalator during rush hour? Doesn't everyone know that the left half of the escalator is for walking; the RIGHT side is for all you lazy losers who want to just stand there....
Advice of the day:
Do not stand on the left half of an escalator if you do not wish to recieve a dirty look, shove, or my middle finger

lookie lookie what I ordered:
...I love when they put things on clearance (it would only be better if I still worked there and got a discount but the flip side would be the measley earnings they pay which don't allow you to buy anything but food and transportation).....
On even happier news I'm going back to NMSU on Aug 20th....Yay....I love having money!!!
Daily Gripe of the day:
Why is it that everyone is against me getting home in a timely manner? Why must stupid people stand on the left half of the escalator during rush hour? Doesn't everyone know that the left half of the escalator is for walking; the RIGHT side is for all you lazy losers who want to just stand there....
Advice of the day:
Do not stand on the left half of an escalator if you do not wish to recieve a dirty look, shove, or my middle finger