~ I can see clearly now....~ oops...forgot the rest of those lyrics....oh well I got my lasik done like last week....hmmm it's like 'hello world' when I wake up now....just sucked the first week cause I couldn't wear eye makeup plus I had to buy new liquid eye liner this week (for fear of infection and crap)....
oh well life has been nice...I actually hung out with "the group"...went well no bitchiness...but school on the other hand is a big diff...I've missed way too many bio classes...and tomorrow I have a test in psych (but at least I like that class...
oh well clubs have been cool...Went to goth night at the edge last saturday...it was cool...was gonna go again this saturday but 'bullocks' I gotta work saturday night (so off to midnight I shall go)...but that'll be fun too cause I got new shoes...Jen-ni-fer let me have her way too cute plats (which rocks caue I bought these stiletto things that I can barely even stand in---they're going back tomorrow)...oh well I'm sleepy and I need to study...
oh well life has been nice...I actually hung out with "the group"...went well no bitchiness...but school on the other hand is a big diff...I've missed way too many bio classes...and tomorrow I have a test in psych (but at least I like that class...
oh well clubs have been cool...Went to goth night at the edge last saturday...it was cool...was gonna go again this saturday but 'bullocks' I gotta work saturday night (so off to midnight I shall go)...but that'll be fun too cause I got new shoes...Jen-ni-fer let me have her way too cute plats (which rocks caue I bought these stiletto things that I can barely even stand in---they're going back tomorrow)...oh well I'm sleepy and I need to study...


funny seeing you here