why do I continue to have these long conversations with Troy about nothing....
Today's topics: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; Why I don't think "The Group" is really about friendship (I don't see how it works for anyone); and of course that ageless topic of why I will never be Billie's friend...not to mention her and my ex's sex life....I really need to stop having these conversations
Really though---I just checked my voice messages and I had 4 of them: my best friend wanted to go to a movie; Troy returning my call [prolly doesn't count]; Michael asking me what I was doing tonight; and the other Mike asking if I made plans for the weekend....
So really..why in the hell am I all hung up over 'The Group'...why should I care if Troy is self loathing, Terrell a little bitter, Jacques and his angst, or Billie getting prego, or even my asshole of an ex/lil bro...hmmm...maybe it's love...or maybe I should just come to the realization that they're losers (it makes me feel better)

Today's topics: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; Why I don't think "The Group" is really about friendship (I don't see how it works for anyone); and of course that ageless topic of why I will never be Billie's friend...not to mention her and my ex's sex life....I really need to stop having these conversations
Really though---I just checked my voice messages and I had 4 of them: my best friend wanted to go to a movie; Troy returning my call [prolly doesn't count]; Michael asking me what I was doing tonight; and the other Mike asking if I made plans for the weekend....
So really..why in the hell am I all hung up over 'The Group'...why should I care if Troy is self loathing, Terrell a little bitter, Jacques and his angst, or Billie getting prego, or even my asshole of an ex/lil bro...hmmm...maybe it's love...or maybe I should just come to the realization that they're losers (it makes me feel better)

i'm off to talk rangers with someone
[Edited on Feb 08, 2004 11:09PM]