ok so... whats the point of a boyfriend? i mean honestly... i have one whos never there for me... ever, doesnt support me in anything, mooches all my damn money, talks shit to me, treats me like im 2, and worst of all i havent had sex in a fucking month and a half! its hell i tell you! frown i think i might end up...
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Well that's just no good. You need a kick ass guy who's just the opposite of that. Like me! biggrin
Or girl. (that's not me) biggrin
ok so... since the last time i really did anything on here... i have gotten in a few bar fights... my favorite was 4 girls against 8 guys... the guys started it and us gals went swingin... by the end, the guys were running... and we were pissed... ive gotten 86'd out of more bars in the last 2 weeks than i have ever before......
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Maybe they just need more fiber in their diets before they drink. biggrin
ok... so being sick sucks!!! ahlsdjfalrjl... thats how my sinus' feel right now frown yuck.... AND NOTHING WORKS! nothing will make it go away! i have been sick for 2 weeks already! blah!
Awww I'm sorry. Being sick sucks big ol hairy donkey testicles. Drinking tons and tons and tons of water and excersizing a lot always works pretty good for me. If I get a cold I'll just drink as much water as I can and ride some BMX or my road bike or jog a bunch of miles and I'll be fine in a day er two. biggrin
wow, st. pattys day, one of the best days invented! the perfect reason to just go out and get shitfaced! and the first time i had ever had absinthe, its illegal here in the states, but a friend brought us back a bottle, and man does it have the worst after taste! but i felt very good after it just made me giggle for awhile.
I didn't know that absinthe is illegal in the states ... If I remember correctly I saw it on the list of a cafe in Freiburg, Germany. They had 20 different absinthe sorts on that list tongue

And in the UK it seemed to be quite popular as well.

That reminded me of a song from Arik Brauer called 'Spiritus' and I would love to find that text again ...
Hell yea, St. Pattys day is definitely one of my favorite holidays. Right up there with New Years and any of the ones where getting drunk is common place. biggrin
ok, so i dont advise anyone who is my size to drink 2 of the liter bottles of jager.... fun at the time, but man was i praising the porceline god! puke pretty much yacked up a half a bottle... no hangover though! haha i love it though.... once it hits your lips! love
Talking to Jesus over the big white telephone puke

Driving the porcelaine truck puke

Jagerbull - that's the in-drink at the moment. Jagermeister and Red Bull! Wow, it keeps you going all night!
Holy shit. That's a lot of alcohol even for a big ol' fat dude, let alone a super hot-ass skinny 5'6 gal like you. I mean the most I drank by myself in a night that I can think of is a half gallon of vodka. I woke up the next day and saw the bottle n noticed that there was maybe half a shot left and thought "you jack ass, couldn't get that last fuckin partial shot huh?". I used to drink almost that much every night, but not anymore. It makes me too stupid. biggrin
so kiss me, im shitfaced... im drunk as shit... i love dropkick... anyone else love them like me? I LOVE JAGER!!!! and i love this face!- eeek
Thanks for commenting on my new tattoo! I also wish I had money to pay for it ... my opera man will be paying it for me! Ha ha biggrin

It was either a boob job or a tattoo - and they cost exactly the same! puke
i hate hangovers..... i wish i could have all the fun and skip the day after. this is how i feel... puke
ok so this weekend was crazy... i was all over the place. i met paris (paris hiltons ex fiance) and he was really cute... and very nice! some friends and i saved our other friend from getting a dui in ventura... i still cant belive she drank that whole liter bottle of jager by herself puke ! and my feet hurt from all the drunken dancing!...
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w, t , f looks like someone had fun , tiger strip pants fuck yah
oh by the way... crazy rockstar party this friday! fun stuff pics of my crazy ass to come!
ok, so i had a procedure called a manipulation procedure yesterday on my arm... its supposed to give me more range and what not. now my arm hurts like hell! f i move it at all it aches... it feels almost as bad as my arm hurt after i broke it... belive me, im not a wuss bt it is so uncomfertable! ahhhh fuck i...
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