What a weekend it's been. me and a bunch of the crazy
i hang out with had one hell of a time. i met this guy who is a friend of one of my buddies. he took us out to this little island about 4 miles off of St. Croix in his boat. we anchored the boat busted out floating coolers FULL of beer and hung out with a shit load of other people. I can't believe i forgot my digital but that's ok cause he said they do it every weekend and I'm going with them next weekend. so as everyone's getting drunk I decided to grab some snorkle gear and check out the local sea life.
It was fucking awesome. Sea turtles the size of a wheel barrel, puffer fish, Nurse sharks, angle fish,etc. The best was i was swimming with this school of white angle fish. There must have been 40 of them around me when all of a sudden they took off really fast. that's when i saw the biggest sting ray in my life.
It scared the shit out of me at first catching me by surprise. I came up and realized i could stand where i was swimming. everyone turned to me and i was like "holy shit!!". everyone looked at me and said" Oh i see you've met Sammy." I guess sammy the Sting ray is a very socialable guy cause next thing i know there i am waist deep in crystal blue water, 95 degrees out on an island wildlife refuge drinking a beer and feeding a Sting ray with at least a 4 foot wing span Cheetos( i was told that's his favorite junk food).
i think i'm in a really crazy dream.
last night was a party called Jump-Up. it's basically a Mardi gras but they call it a Carnival party. it happens every 3 months except in december where it's every day from 24 december til 16 january.
Party like a Rockstar!

It was fucking awesome. Sea turtles the size of a wheel barrel, puffer fish, Nurse sharks, angle fish,etc. The best was i was swimming with this school of white angle fish. There must have been 40 of them around me when all of a sudden they took off really fast. that's when i saw the biggest sting ray in my life.
It scared the shit out of me at first catching me by surprise. I came up and realized i could stand where i was swimming. everyone turned to me and i was like "holy shit!!". everyone looked at me and said" Oh i see you've met Sammy." I guess sammy the Sting ray is a very socialable guy cause next thing i know there i am waist deep in crystal blue water, 95 degrees out on an island wildlife refuge drinking a beer and feeding a Sting ray with at least a 4 foot wing span Cheetos( i was told that's his favorite junk food).
i think i'm in a really crazy dream.
last night was a party called Jump-Up. it's basically a Mardi gras but they call it a Carnival party. it happens every 3 months except in december where it's every day from 24 december til 16 january.

Party like a Rockstar!

Thank god for beer on hot ass days! Tell your buddy Lou that Melanie said "Hi"