OK get ready for an awkward selfie cause its coming
not this! this is just a nude photo from the first nude shoot I ever did......
this selfie ahaha such a weird arm angle!!!!!!!! everyone tilt your heads to the right.... this is Charlotte my pixie tattoo! this is a very long convolude story s buckle up and I'll try and make it make sense....... ok......
BACK STORY-------- (here goes) In high school, I was a massive nerd, with very few friends that actually new anything about me. I hide in plain sight, only wore plain jeans and tanks so that I didnt stick out, I didnt cause much of a fuss and just sunk into the background because I didnt want to be judge or bullie like in primary school.... go figure it didnt work...... anyway up until year 10 I was bullied for being to thin, I was very thin naturally and ate shit loads, much more than any teenage boy in my school, everyone called me anorexic and bulemic and stupid shit like that... anyway year 10 puberty hit (yes late bloomer much) and it hit hard with in a couple of months I went from a size 6 aa cupped little girl to a size 12 g cupped lady. I had stretch marks everywhere (still do but I like them now) felt horrible because I couldnt figure out what the fuck had happened and when, no clothes fitted me and everyone at school started bullying me for being fat and having had a boob job. It was pretty awful, plus I went from being considered pretty much a boy to having every car thaat drove past tooting me, so I started wearing big bag trackers and jumpers. I pretty much hated myself and thought the only way to make myself worthy of anything besides being something that men saw as a piece of arse they could try and claim was to burrow deep into to study prove my intelligence and take on this hard arse persona that didnt take bullshit.. that didnt really make me friends either (SURPRISE, SURPRISE!!!) anyway so in year 12 I studied 3 hours after school everyday and at least 5 hours on the weekend I was also working 30+ hours in a takeaway restaurant that had very little respect for me as a human being little lone a solid worker! by the end of year 12 I had pretty much destroyed what little relationships, sanity and spirit I had! I did terribly during exams and had sent most of the year having pretty fucked up dreams in which this pixie started murdering everyone in the most horrific ways my little insane membrane could create!
SO THE TATTOO ------- this is the silhouette of the pixie in my dreams, shes a reminder to me that I should never try and please people because it just makes me miserable as well as a way of telling myself not to take life so seriously cause chances are its not going to be the way I pictured in the end anyway! better have fucking fun now!
NEXT------ well then I got addicted to tattoos, currently I have four soon to be 5! yayyayayay new ink!!!!!!
MORAL----- tell society to go suck a whale wang because trying to fit into its cookie cutter box is more like trying to push a basketball through a brick wall
ummmmm Im taking a small time out and going campping this weekend in which I should spend most of the time high and or drunk....... its a break I have earnt and you can judge me for my weed and tea smoking habits but I honestly dont gve a fuck so take it to someone who does xxxx (i LOVE YOU GUISE REALLY ITS JUST BEEN REALLY SHIT COUPLE OF WEEKS)
Pretty sure Im going to have to quit my job!
I nearly went out with an engaged man...... yyup no FUCKING SHIT .... see my Insta for that story cause I just dont even know.... IM seriously considering
I wish I was joking.... and yes I am in a red onsie... HOT!
writing a book about the fucked up situations I have been put into in my dating career (yes career cause seriously Im not having much fun at the moment, TELL A LADY ABOUT YOUR SOON TO BE WIFE BEFORE ASKING HER OUT ON A DATE DUDE SERIOUSLY.......FUCK.... SERIOUSLY)
my instagram name is twitchling btw!!! get on it lots of risque photos happen there!
1) I rejected that engaged arsehole
2) I am not the other woman
3) I am going camping
4) I am getting my feet inked tomorrow arvo
5) ......... I can potentially make a profit off of my dating misadventures
Fucking arse
*drops mic* *exits stage left*
(I love this photo, its a extra from my shoot with @lizziesky which is hitting MR sooon arrrrgh!!!!!!!!!! 22nd april)
later minions xxx