So the other night I drove out to Fullerton, CA to catch a live instrumental performance put on by a guy I can freely admit to forever being categorized in my personal list of friends and acquaintances as one of the most awesome. Benjamin Chadwick is simply that. It certainly was great to see him again as we havent spoken face to face since last we met at a gig he performed as front man to his long-time band New Maximum Donkey. The NMD show took place at a sushi bar called Zen Sushi out on Silverlake Blvd, in LA. Were talking back in November of 2006. Man! That is a long time. In any case, seeing Benny again brought back great memories. It struck me then as it has in the past that huge parts of the allure of hanging out with a guy like Benny is his amazing ability to make you feel young again. The incredible thing about that is he doesnt even try to it just happens. For a guy like me I cant begin to tell you how important that is. The guy is a musical genius. No kidding. Hes the real deal when it comes to being the consummate performer and all around good guy. Without getting too philosophical on the subject hes sort of a magical cat-in-the-hat in that sort of way. Youd wish you could fold him up and keep in your pocket just to pull him out for moments when you feel the weight of the world on your shoulders. I dont know how he does it but in his own super modest way it works. Benny is one of those kind of buddies that Im happy to call a friend.
Equally impressive is the lady who invited me to attend Friday nights event, mutual friend, Judy Staley. Where do I begin with her? Judy is a true friends friend - quick to laugh and genuinely good-hearted. Its no wonder I fell under her spell when first we met. Like Benny she never even tried she simply captured me. She never did reciprocate the level of love I had for her in the end then but then nobodys perfect right? Haha! Regardless Ive never truly gotten over her completely as even today I keep a special place for her in my heart. Shes cool like that. Judy and I met via a Rush fan message board around the time Rush the band was on a five-year hiatus due to issues stemming from the personal loss of a daughter and wife of percussionist Neil Peart. It was during this dark period coupled with the seemingly overnight availability of the Internet that fans of the band were brought closer by way of communicating with each other for free (sort of) on message boards dedicated to the band. Suddenly fans of Rush were talking about their favorite band and often times to the point of obsession with people from all walks of life. Message boards have a way of leveling the playing field for most and so doctors could now see eye to eye with carpenters and gardeners alike and all thanks to the mutual love and respect of Rush and their music. Its been said that Rush fans are hardcore. You either love the band or you hate them. For those of you that havent listened to or even heard of Rush (the band and NOT the radio dude dont even get me started on that one!) I highly recommend you take in at least one album before laying judgment on their mad skills. Give Moving Pictures a listen and find out. Its magical!
Eventually message boards grew to include thousands of fans to a point where someone somewhere (and it was probably Judy!) said Ive got it! Lets get together for real and talk about all things Rush! Having said all that Judy is also a (if not thee) founding member and current Manager of an organization committed to providing help for the hungry and those in need in and around Toronto, Canada called RushCon. For those of your reading this who havent heard of it, RushCon is a non-profit fundraising convention planning group made up of fans for the fans. Dedicated to all things Rush its no wonder almost all events (all eleven to date the latest event held in Las Vegas, Nevada to great success) take place in Rushs hometown of Toronto. I wont lie its an expensive trip but one well worth the memories if you can save your pennies to attend even one of them. There really arent enough words to describe the feeling of sitting in a room full of Rush fans not having to explain their devotions or favorite pastime. They just get it!
Evolving from the idea of getting together as Rush fans on message boards to eventually grouping together en masse to hold conventions for a band in person is a process that grew seemingly overnight and with litereally life-changing results for some if not most. Judy will forever be credited in my books for being one of the few busy bodies to truly nurture this unique course of action. Not to mention being the person who introduced me to Benny in the fisrt place too! Thank you Judy!! ((hugs))
Benny and Judy, lets not be strangers so much mkay? Thanks!!
To sum things up friends are good. Take yourself a friend and keep them til the end indeed!

So the other night I drove out to Fullerton, CA to catch a live instrumental performance put on by a guy I can freely admit to forever being categorized in my personal list of friends and acquaintances as one of the most awesome. Benjamin Chadwick is simply that. It certainly was great to see him again as we havent spoken face to face since last we met at a gig he performed as front man to his long-time band New Maximum Donkey. The NMD show took place at a sushi bar called Zen Sushi out on Silverlake Blvd, in LA. Were talking back in November of 2006. Man! That is a long time. In any case, seeing Benny again brought back great memories. It struck me then as it has in the past that huge parts of the allure of hanging out with a guy like Benny is his amazing ability to make you feel young again. The incredible thing about that is he doesnt even try to it just happens. For a guy like me I cant begin to tell you how important that is. The guy is a musical genius. No kidding. Hes the real deal when it comes to being the consummate performer and all around good guy. Without getting too philosophical on the subject hes sort of a magical cat-in-the-hat in that sort of way. Youd wish you could fold him up and keep in your pocket just to pull him out for moments when you feel the weight of the world on your shoulders. I dont know how he does it but in his own super modest way it works. Benny is one of those kind of buddies that Im happy to call a friend.
Equally impressive is the lady who invited me to attend Friday nights event, mutual friend, Judy Staley. Where do I begin with her? Judy is a true friends friend - quick to laugh and genuinely good-hearted. Its no wonder I fell under her spell when first we met. Like Benny she never even tried she simply captured me. She never did reciprocate the level of love I had for her in the end then but then nobodys perfect right? Haha! Regardless Ive never truly gotten over her completely as even today I keep a special place for her in my heart. Shes cool like that. Judy and I met via a Rush fan message board around the time Rush the band was on a five-year hiatus due to issues stemming from the personal loss of a daughter and wife of percussionist Neil Peart. It was during this dark period coupled with the seemingly overnight availability of the Internet that fans of the band were brought closer by way of communicating with each other for free (sort of) on message boards dedicated to the band. Suddenly fans of Rush were talking about their favorite band and often times to the point of obsession with people from all walks of life. Message boards have a way of leveling the playing field for most and so doctors could now see eye to eye with carpenters and gardeners alike and all thanks to the mutual love and respect of Rush and their music. Its been said that Rush fans are hardcore. You either love the band or you hate them. For those of you that havent listened to or even heard of Rush (the band and NOT the radio dude dont even get me started on that one!) I highly recommend you take in at least one album before laying judgment on their mad skills. Give Moving Pictures a listen and find out. Its magical!
Eventually message boards grew to include thousands of fans to a point where someone somewhere (and it was probably Judy!) said Ive got it! Lets get together for real and talk about all things Rush! Having said all that Judy is also a (if not thee) founding member and current Manager of an organization committed to providing help for the hungry and those in need in and around Toronto, Canada called RushCon. For those of your reading this who havent heard of it, RushCon is a non-profit fundraising convention planning group made up of fans for the fans. Dedicated to all things Rush its no wonder almost all events (all eleven to date the latest event held in Las Vegas, Nevada to great success) take place in Rushs hometown of Toronto. I wont lie its an expensive trip but one well worth the memories if you can save your pennies to attend even one of them. There really arent enough words to describe the feeling of sitting in a room full of Rush fans not having to explain their devotions or favorite pastime. They just get it!
Evolving from the idea of getting together as Rush fans on message boards to eventually grouping together en masse to hold conventions for a band in person is a process that grew seemingly overnight and with litereally life-changing results for some if not most. Judy will forever be credited in my books for being one of the few busy bodies to truly nurture this unique course of action. Not to mention being the person who introduced me to Benny in the fisrt place too! Thank you Judy!! ((hugs))
Benny and Judy, lets not be strangers so much mkay? Thanks!!
To sum things up friends are good. Take yourself a friend and keep them til the end indeed!