Whew. Lots and lots of work. But I got through it. Saturday night was cool. I saw two girls there that just blew me away and also some good new friends. Look, I hate to put this out there like this but I've been getting this feeling for a little while. It seems like once someone becomes an SG they are elevated to god like status. I mean I know this is SG and the whole point is for us guys and girls who appreciate alternative beauty to admire them but I'm getting the feeling that unless you worship them, you aren't cool in the group. Maybe I'm wrong. I couldn't make the pre-party get togethers to actually talk to most of you in a place that doesn't have the music cranked up. Last night I felt like cutting loose and dancing. I didn't feel like being pressed up against everyone getting drunk. I wanted to earn my sweat. pr0ject605 was the only one that came up to me to say hi. Look, I'm sorry if I seem like I'm coming down on you all. I'm not. I'm just saying that sometimes it's nice to feel like people want to get to know other people and not just wait for new people to come kiss ass or whatever that feeling I'm getting is.

I think you are taking this SG thing a little too seriously. Maybe? It's a porn site.

Porn? I guess. It's more of the interaction of the group people that meet in public that I'm talking about. This is really more of an online-r/l community than a porn site. I don't know too many porn sites that have journals, groups and public gatherings and that's what makes this place really cool and special.