Hello SG land. My girlfriend totally rocks the house. She got me motivated to change the streched chain on my bike so we could go on a poker run today. She was helping me and getting all greasy. Then the chain was too loose and on the way home last night it was making all kinds of banging noises so she woke up extra early...
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My son turns three today. Rock on little dude.
People really suck. Did you know that?
What a fucked up week this has been so far.
My roomate comes home this weekend. Wah
Me girlfriend and I are taking our sons to the zoo saturday. Her and I have been talking about getting our own place soon. She's awesome. I won't move out 'till my...
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I need a fucking shoulder. Is anyone out there?
mad frown
Well, it's been a while. How's everyone? I met a girl. I went to my friends sons birthday party and met this girl Fae. She's kinda cute, brunette, and tattooed. I've hung out with her twice, after the party saturday night, and last night. I went to see her saturday at about midnight and got home at 6am. Lots of good conversation and great sex....
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Well, here I am at my parents house with my son again. Last night was depressing without the dog around but surprisingly my son hadn't asked about him.
Well, my right foot and ankle are killing me from riding my dads dirtbike. Luckily I didn't fall over like dad does. I gave my son a ride around the yard for about half hour then when...
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Hello all, things are better. I'm doing alright now, still sucks balls but he's in a better place now. Rent is due today but I'm gonna wait till tomorrow to piss off the landlord cuz he's a dick. It's about 80 here today, I think I might go off on the bike for a little bit and clear my head.
I think that Cold song...
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Dont talk to chicks named candice they are all trouble. There was a chick named candice who tormented my roommate for 6 years.
thank you.
Very solomn day today. My family dog, Elvis, A 12 yr old English Bulldog was put to sleep today at approximately 4pm. He had alot of problems due to old age. Now I wanna curl up with a gallon of ice cream and watch "All Dogs go to Heaven". Hopefully your day is better than mine. And not to mention my 2 yr old son...
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I must be retarted or just lame. Not many people comment on my journal, if any at all. And I have no friends. How pathetic. frown frown whatever
Well, here we are, 4th of July. I decided to ride my bike back to my parents house for the day. We had a cookout with the family. My nieces and nephews were here, and my son. We ate burgers and dogs, the kids jumped on the trampoline, my brother, father and I rode the dirtbikes around the yard. I gave my nephew Bruno and...
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Okay let's see.....It's July 3rd...what is everyone doing? Hopefully more than I'm doing. I must be a complete loser, no party invites, I'm sitting here watching tv and staring into my computer screen. Ya know, I would just love to be able to see myself through somebody elses eyes and maybe understand where their preconceived ideas of me come from. One good thing happened to...
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