I hit it a little to hard at the gym last night and made myself sick, but today my body feels wonderful I love the dull ache. Eh anyway, what to do what to do. Oh yeah I bought a gun, it's a rifle and I love it. it's WWII surplus Mosin-Nagant 91/30. The sound of the bolt action really does something for me. idk why. It's lovely though. I should be getting an XBOX tomorrow which should be fun. but this has been a back and forth promise from my folks since january so we shall see. but I've got to run. work again I've picked up like a billion hours there. and they are sorta pushing me toward management although it doesn't really seem appealing. because I will be starting school next semester. sigh but some part of me feels dumb if I don't take a promotion when the rest of the country is jobless or struggling. I'm just waiting for the axe to fall and this become a country with out law, but until then I just need a job that will pay for my gym membership and lots of guns and ammo. (and this goes into how I'm preparing for the zombie apocalypse/ world with out law I'm being paranoid lady, but more on that later) I'm off to work!
guns and ammo, well played...