Uh I feel so boring. I don't feel like I have anything to say that is important about anything. Other than I have been getting some great sex lately. hmmmm that in and of it self seems a bit uninteresting in the grand scheme of things. BUT it was really really good....and this certain gentleman is quite interesting himself. but he seems to be involved... Read More
I feel the same way, I never know what to say and all my stuff is random. And hey new job yay! Thats exciting I need a solid one my self. Hope things stay awesome!
So I haven't updated in forever. I in theory want to be more active on this site but my involvement seems to continue to dwindle.
I have been working on trying to stay positive about life but I have been feeling quite alone lately and anyone who makes attempts to get closer I have inadvertently pushed away.
and keeping the shitty people close.
I miss... Read More
I have been having a lot of sinus infections recently. it's awful
anyway my parents are out of town and I have had a lot of down time this week and since i never update my blog anymore I decided to do so. because yeah nothing better to do.
does anyone out there know how to keep sinus infections to chill out?
I have been thinking a lot about things. Like the fact that I will be 27 this year. and I opened my night stand table to find something and I see what is inside....a tolly cart from san fran, a storm trooper, a little foot puppet from the land before time, and a big container of air soft bullets...yeah I'm gonna be 27 this year.
UHHH......lol So I don't often get a lot of input on my blogs, but I always excepted that because I tend to bitch and moan about some random whatever boy trouble that I am having, and I accept that that isn't very interesting for anyone but myself. Of course I am just kinda I guess keeping a log that stays true to my self that... Read More
To me, that last paragraph you wrote might be the most important. As a guy, I would never want to make a girl that I care about ever feel that insecure about herself.
My girlfriend has had issues with body image, insecurities, and things of that nature...It took quite a while for her to completely drop her guard when she was around me. But I think she is beautiful and sexy, and I let her know that all the time. I want her to feel as beautiful as I think she is, if that makes sense. And it's worked...She's more confident, she embraces her curves, and she's completely comfortable around me now.
I think that's what a relationship has to be about. When the other person falls, you pick them up; in their moments of weakness, you give them strength; if they cross the line, you keep them in check...But it should also be in a constructive manner. The actions and/or words of one should never be destructive to the other. And if that's what is happening...If what's going on is really making you question yourself that much, then it's not a healthy relationship and you should get out.
Obviously I don't know the guy or all the details of the situation, but in my opinion, if your relationship with him is making you feel that insecure, then you deserve better than him.
I drank way to much this past weekend and I feel like a creepy creeper.
it doesn't feel good to feel that way, and the worst part is, that I don't remember why I feel that way. LOL
So I was invited to a to a pure romance party......I didn't know what it was exactly, but then they started pulling out the sex toys and... Read More
I am so fucking tired of crying. It seems like everything is making me cry right now....cancer patients that i don't know to the stupid ex.
I really want to rant about the ex right now.
Hon, You ARE only 25,yes,goin on 26. Take it from an individual who just turned 44, shit! I didn't know if I should say "fourty- four" or 44! I have NO CLUE where the last 20 years went! My advice to YOU is THIS...DO what you LOVE to DO! Pay NO attention to ANYONE who tells you that what you are doing is wrong... they don't know jack shit! SERIOUSLY, THEY DON'T HAVE a CLUE! EAT,DRINK, BE MERRY! The years you have NOW will never come again, so make the MOST of them! There will be people who will want to take from you ... they are vampires and you MUST fight them (they tend to be old friends and they don't want to let you go and live your life!) The next 20 years are gonna fly by like you would never Believe! Hold on to the friends you have now..one or two of them may last. Right NOW, this is the time when you will decide who your friends are. You will decide to let some of them go as they are not your real friends.Figure out what you want, love the friends who are worthy, Ask NOTHING less of your friends than YOU are willing to give...It is a BIG world, and you are JUST REALLY getting out there in it! Take Care!
I realized it has be a long time since I have been active on the site.
ALOT of life changing things have been happening.
first the positive, I bought a new car, I have 2 jobs and both are going swimmingly, and I have a personal trainer for free mostly.
but with the good comes the bad. My cousin passed away he was 23 it... Read More
yesterday I skinned a baby goat. It died naturally, so i keep trying to justify that it wasn't killed for it's skin or anything. I really really wanted to learn how to skin an animal for my survival training, but I didn't want to kill anything so when I went over to my... Read More
Today I was going to work and someone had hit a opossum outside my house. This is the second opossum in less than a year. It really pisses me off because I live in a small neighborhood with lots of cats and children and other things that if you hit with a car would effect most humans more than hitting a opossum. The first opossum... Read More