Am going to be deleting my account so ifpeoplewant to contact me they can do so via email or skype matthew.dadley no junk,spam or bull
Started Uni at the end of February and finding it a challenge but fun. Learning a lot of new things, also found out that in 2nd or 3rd year can assist in a full autopsy
Kiss and Cre were amazing so much pyro and make up lol.
Soundwave was disappointing to the point left early and am never doing again.... Read More
wow not done one of these in a while been flat out busy trying to sort self out for uni and child out for school on top of working and trying to have some sort of a life.
Think everthing is more or less sorted just waiting to be hit with the bill for fees as not sure how much it will actually be somwhere... Read More
Hmmmm been a tad slack with my activity of late, been mad busy trying to get things sorted with Uni and the pain that is Christmas.
Still waiting for soundwave tickets to arrive they taking their sweet time also KISS tickets not here but with Christmas postal chaos I'm not to stressed as all insured.
Either coming down with a cold or hayfever hoping its... Read More
Sat listening to a kick as thunder storm this morning, was rather loud. Dog next door wasn't happy stupid thing still tries to break the fence down when out there so not that sympathetic.
Need to get life and everything in order and sorted as currently all I'm doing is letting people down and hurting the one person who has stood by me no matter... Read More
Went for a nice bike ride yesterday with Chae. First time of being on bike since being over here and don't I know it today lol but it was worth it.
We also made some epic cookies which aren't sharing
Hmmmm not done one of these in while. Ok update I accepted Uni placement but have to wait until November before I can pick what units I actually want to do for my course.
Works going ok but then it's work so what can you do, need to write 4 new menus for summer by beginning of December can we say fun.