Have been feeling suicidal lately Because my brother whom I have lived with for the past year abandoned me to go live with some chick he's now dating, because her sister screwed her over. (Hrm, Sounds familiar) And, I'll probably be homeless again at the end of next week. Because my identity got stolen and now I have zero credit after disputing it. And, a friend whom I know was only trying to help, posted a meme on my page saying "Out of the darkness comes the Light." To which I say FUCK THAT! At least the darkness comforts me in her chilling embrace. And the light only only shows you the shit you wish to forget. And makes you feel uncomfortable and unworthy. To which he replied "The light shows you all the stuff you've overcome." To which I replied "I don't need the light for that. I have the scars to remind me." I'm just so tired of fighting for a life that holds no meaning or purpose. Everytime I put my best foot forward, someone steps on it. I'm running out of toes to even walk with. And, life is not worth it to crawl for it. No one to love and come home to. Nothing to look forward to but more pain and misery. No life ambitions that are within my means to pursue. The only respite being these brief moments of creativity. So again I say fuck the light and it's garish obscenities, give me the comfort of the darkness any day.
Hope that everything will be fine!