We are having what they call an Indian Summer, that means that summer is hanging on as long as it can and trying to make it as hot as possible for the beginning of Autumn...people in my town seem to go psychotic when it is very hot, lots of people screaming when they walk down the street and lots of drunken fights...Last night, Trixie and I were woken up at 3:30am by our upstairs neighbor, it sounded like he was punching walls and dropping bowling balls on the floor...we went out in the back patio and heard that he was fighting with his girlfriend...we just hope that those noises weren't his girlfriend being slammed against the floor/wall...the guy acts like a big asshole anyway, so we really have our eye on him now!
I hate that my downtown area is turning into the suburbs to make all the suburban people that move down here more comfortable...fuck them...we don;t need anymore fastfood restaurants here...and god knows, NO MORE FUCKING STARBUCK'S PLEASE!!!
We have about 5 in a fucking 3 square mile area! Thank god they finially took FRIENDS off the air, so maybe the yuppies will stop wanting to destroy cultural urban areas, maybe they should make a show about how cool and hip it is to live in fucking tract homes so all these negligent excessive assholes will get the fuck out of my sight! I'm sick of their goddamn SUVs and their fucking beige buildings and their ultra slick bullshit restaurants and their fucking cell phones while they are driving and running over my cat friends...and I am fucking sick of them closing down all the independantly owned stores so they can open up corporate chain stores...It makes me sick, I am completely disgusted and tired of GREED, I am tired of culture being traded for money...
I hate that my downtown area is turning into the suburbs to make all the suburban people that move down here more comfortable...fuck them...we don;t need anymore fastfood restaurants here...and god knows, NO MORE FUCKING STARBUCK'S PLEASE!!!
We have about 5 in a fucking 3 square mile area! Thank god they finially took FRIENDS off the air, so maybe the yuppies will stop wanting to destroy cultural urban areas, maybe they should make a show about how cool and hip it is to live in fucking tract homes so all these negligent excessive assholes will get the fuck out of my sight! I'm sick of their goddamn SUVs and their fucking beige buildings and their ultra slick bullshit restaurants and their fucking cell phones while they are driving and running over my cat friends...and I am fucking sick of them closing down all the independantly owned stores so they can open up corporate chain stores...It makes me sick, I am completely disgusted and tired of GREED, I am tired of culture being traded for money...