Blah blah is it fucking Friday yet
This blows just got a call to a custom paint job on a big dog wanna be chopper the catch is I Goya make new fenders and tank all hand made and wants it Friday fucking people suck but its money
Well I broke down and took my friends 8 month put pup LOL that's 5 pits 1 mix and 1 shepherd o well love dogs way to much
This bites my friend has to give up her pitbull pup anyone in the pa NJ NY area interested lemme know
awww sadness

LOL I got so bored I went quading in my swamp took a shower and still can't figure out what to do with this bike damn triumph who wants to help
Thanks for your comment, darling
100 Kisses

God damn 9:22am and still don't have a fucking thing done at my shop what the hell fuck Mondays
LOL OK its 7:16 am I been up since 4:30 am I'm at my shop staring at a basket case of a bike and I have no motivation to a damn thing to it.even my damn dogs wont hang out the beat feet any one wanna help me tidat
I was out in the middle of bum fuck Pennsylvania visting my buddies who just moved out there I don't know why.I spent the weekend there just to get away now no offense if ya live out near frackville but damn people out there are fucked up never seen so many inbread morons in one area.rude scumbags everywhere I went I thought parts of south...
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LOL what ya gota do to get someone to talk to you on here
Thanks hun! How have you been?! I've been so busy! But I'm really good. Hope your doing awesome!

thank u for the compliment. How are u doing? If u ask about boobs or ass or something like that, u will get replies. lol 

I'm back to bitch again what the fuck is with people the can talk shit but don't have the balls to say it to your face bout to start smacking these bitches at work
Thanks for the comment
we should kick them in the shins