Holy fuck is this week ever gonna end
30 days left then I'm outs NJ and heading to north Carolina just bought me a nice house with lots property can't wait to go
Lmao these yuppie fucks are getting a huge set of brass balls.cock suckers actually came into my shop to threaten me with the classic I'm gonna take you to "court" and ill "Sue" .lemme explain alil I bought an old farm house with a huge barn that had the land around it developed for the I'm better then you type. The place I bought is...
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Not like anyone will actually read this but good way to vent.I'm having such mixed thoughts bout NJ anymore no matter where you go there's assholes ,bullshit ,tax this tax that.fucking yesterday I had the state and the d.e.p at my bike shop the yuppie cocks that live in the area I have my shop hate bikes bikers or anything to do with motorcycles,the think...
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Man last week went by way to damn fast.now why is it when ya take a week off it goes by so fast and when your at work its drags the fuck out
After a boring night and only doing a few piercings at my buddies shop I went home gauged my prince to a 2 then decided to add to my Jacobs ladder ill tell ya its a bitch piercing myself but the feeling on that needle is awesome I'm a freak for liking the feeling of a needle piercing my flesh

Straight up time to fucking disappear maybe permanently
I'm so bored waiting on my metal delivery somebody save me
Fuck this I'm tired of customers for today I'm closing shop for today I'm taking my chopper out I need the ride to relax