ouch my head !!! had lil bit too much fun last night .. but killer tunes .. some how i got lots of beads.. mainstrass in covington ky ..kick my ass.. and all i got was beads!!! lol
Beads are Good ! (we are talking about Mardi Gras , right ?)
I haven't come down from Mardi Gras yet, still buzzin and twitching, it fit the May West definition of ,"too much of a good thing, being wonderful.
ohh boy thAT LAST CLASS ABOUT KILLED ME!!! had to study all freaking day and night but now i have to catch up to speed!!!! soooo... HOW YALL DOING OUT THERE???!!!
yawn!!! wrapping up the nite with my favorite people!! just got in from the legbone show in covington ky! it was a blast!! next time yall should come out! support your local bands!!!
Well I dont know what happened but I'm just not into the x-mas spirit this year.. I cant stand to be around it for some reason.. usually this and halloween is my favorite time of year .. maybe i'm just getting older i dont know..
OOOOOMMMMGGGG!!!! ITS soo COLD outside !!! just got in from school and trying to get warm all my porch furniture has blew off and theRE are trees and power lines down everywhere .. !!! can you say AUNTIE EM AUNTIE EM!! ITS A TWISTER!!
WHELP.. passed it got my certificate and now as of next tuesday the course it over!!! TFG!! asshole thought he'd be funny and do one of those "oh i'm sorry i didnt mean to touch your boob" deals sooo.. i pressed a lil bit too hard on his ribs and and left a few marks (by accident) :-) ... guess i dont know my own... Read More
one, two, three, CRunCH !
Ow !
"you can learn a lot from a dummy," ( Resuscitation Anne), I guess there's a guy dummy too, I don't know, just not my thing, but Anne was interesting.
well finail exams next 2 days and i have to do cpr on a complete jack ass at school.. i really dont want to .. freaking guy is acreep and i have to touch him.. oh man i'll be glad when i'm done with this course and move on to clinical!! please cross your fingers that i dont flunk because if this guy gets freaky... Read More
OH MAN!!! day 2 of 12hrs of overtime at the almighty citibank on top of another 6 hrs of school then homework the guess what start all over again!! I need a break..
I haven't come down from Mardi Gras yet, still buzzin and twitching, it fit the May West definition of ,"too much of a good thing, being wonderful.