Finally after a long struggle of getting shit together i'm starting to move out and about. So i'll be taking alot of road trips now and next month i'll be purchasing my first motorcycle and i'll be taking bike trips and camping trips. If i get my way i'm going to go all over texas taking at least one trip a month Even if it...
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For most of you out there this doesn't imply however i need to fucking vent because i'm tired of this shit.
drinking and sitting here makes me post what i think. I'm tired of people saying hey lets do this or that and then never hearing from them again. IF YOU AREN"T GOING TO HANG OUT Don"T SAY SHIT its not hard to just not...
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drinking and sitting here makes me post what i think. I'm tired of people saying hey lets do this or that and then never hearing from them again. IF YOU AREN"T GOING TO HANG OUT Don"T SAY SHIT its not hard to just not...
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so it's 2009. And so far the year looks like this is the end of me. I got notice from my mom on a long phone call that she is done with me and tomorrow i have a hearing to basically determine how much more money everyone can take from me and make me misserable. Blah the year 2009 is turning into my last. This...
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Yes i died call the morgue. I hate the hollidays
Well today sucked. Can't blame anyone but myself I hope to god that next year will be better. I don't think I can handle another year of the same crap. I have been pushed to my limits enough as it is and I don't know how much longer I can take this crap.

Hmm so i'm back on SG after oh i'd say two years of silence. haha I can't believe how long it has been since I was last on this. But i hope SG hasn't changed in any from when i left it.
hmm so i'm strugling with what to write on the info on about me next to my picture on my profile but oh well not that important. SO i finally got back today at 9:20 am from Oklahoma were i ran a hot shot for a pipping company. I drove over 10 hours and the whole trip over all was 14 hours long but it...
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wtf is a pipping co.?
you slacker ass
silent sneaky sob
werd man. tell me what the 411 is when youre around here or on im eh?

silent sneaky sob

werd man. tell me what the 411 is when youre around here or on im eh?

Well its been a while but i'm back on the sg train. My girl friends been keeping me bussy alot lately. Things are doing decent relationship wise we fight but still love eachother and sex wise well its great just can't seem to get her a orgasom talk about an ego blow. over 5 months of trying and still no orgasom. Oh well at least...
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there are no good free rpgs
good for the gf
shes a looker -laughs- hope it works you too -shrug sigh- -laugh- hey... no guy has be the first
think about the upside youve known more beautiful females free and of their whim and not out of pity than... oh yeah. i ever would ever
there are no good mmo's that are free most that cost arent any good ;\
missed ya bro <3
im bored haha.
yeah it does suck hrm -shrug- idk what to tell ya bout the car. if you were closer id give ya a reference or something somewhere half worth a damn

good for the gf
shes a looker -laughs- hope it works you too -shrug sigh- -laugh- hey... no guy has be the first

think about the upside youve known more beautiful females free and of their whim and not out of pity than... oh yeah. i ever would ever

there are no good mmo's that are free most that cost arent any good ;\
missed ya bro <3

im bored haha.
yeah it does suck hrm -shrug- idk what to tell ya bout the car. if you were closer id give ya a reference or something somewhere half worth a damn

Hmm sorry for the long absence from sg. Just been bussy with life
hey dipshit dont apologize
thats a good thing in most cases

thats a good thing in most cases

I MIGHT BE A DADY....... and no this isn't a good thing its more like mehadjfldfjalfjd..... good news is at least i'm with the women...bad news is not married or sure if i love her.......what to do... i wish i had gotten the balls tied
Yeah happy birthday. You and the gal be well now man.

happy birthday!
take care of momma.

take care of momma.
Odessa, Texas' very own Derby team Basin Breaker Babes is having a Bike Wash & Tattoo Event. Come early and bring your IDs.