i cannot express in words how good it feels to get help from people you called in desperation when the ones you thought you could rely on have let you down. especially when the situatuon involves being in the north of england, which is cold dspite july poking itself around the corner, having nowhere to sleep and contemplating a night on a park bench. so a big warm thank you to Milan, Vicky, Amber and Yuko! you are all amazing!
and as added icing on the cake, i was offered to be put in touch with a development economics profesor in japan who may help me find a masters programme there. haha! land of the rising sun here i come! ... well, in a year or two
and as added icing on the cake, i was offered to be put in touch with a development economics profesor in japan who may help me find a masters programme there. haha! land of the rising sun here i come! ... well, in a year or two

Well I actually fully expected some Chuck Norris jokes. I mean, how can you possibly resist? 

i think smoking herb once a day, as long as you didnt snack out a lot, would actually be beneficial health wise (apart from smoke related cancer) because it speeds up ur metabolism so much. i went to a break dancing class! when i was like... 13! it was a lot of fun. i wish they had them near me. i want to move to NY actually. do u know how i go about getting a degree over there? i want to study at FIT or pratt but they never email me back. laaaaame. happy new years! x