I'm starting to lose all hope for the human race. It is not enough that I get mysterious rashes, have to deal with morbidly obese people falling on the floor, getting beat up and called every name in the book by "frail" elderly people, but I have to deal with fucking morons who are my fellow employees. People were picking on me tonight the lack...
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Well, I know that I'm smarter than these people, does that give me the right to kill and eat them?

hahaha.. they are lucky you arent a serial killer ; ) but then again... people can always develop into serial killers.. and maybe just maybe your kitty likes to eat human liver with fafva beans........

Lately, I have noticed, that we have been getting more and more residents who are relatively young. However, they are so morbidly obese that they can't take care of themselves! Then they come in, and whine about the care you are giving them! I'm sorry but you are like more than twice my weight people, I'm gonna have a hard time positioning you in bed...
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thanks smile
oh god. lady! get out of there. ack thats horrid.

i wouldnt be able to have much sympathy for them either.
My boyfriend and I took a walk up to family video yesterday. We rented V for Vendetta which was fantastic, if you haven't seen it by all means buy or rent it. I read the graphic novel it was based on a few years back and was very happy with the screen adaptation of it. I ran into my ex boyfriend of about a year...
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being that i was there through all this.. i think he... almost put his name down... hes just rejected.
obviously he and you have a different idea of what a relationship should be like.

i think you made the right decision.. he didnt abuse you but like you said he didnt treat you the way you wanted to be treated. so you left for what you knew you really wanted.

i know that you had a history with him, knew him for a long time and dated off and on so it is sad that he has now developed this ignoring habit. maybe he'll come around perhaps some day...... i know you had the ability to be friends before... but then again i dont think you rejected him like this before. mabye some day you can talk it out..

alcool is what you and him need.
in a bar.
not in the house
Got my copy of Repreive in the mail today, one day early! It is beautiful and the packaging and photos are gorgeous as well. What else would you expect from the Little Folksinger? Got to go to curves and work today.... trying to motivate myself. I am growing increasingly tired of being such a loser with no friends and sitting around in my apt. by...
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crap i didnt think she was due for another album! where have i been!!!??!

***goes to order.. (listening to the sample tracks and very pleased)

come move here!! come come come girlie!!! talk to your landlord we could make it happen in november.. =) i could get a place cheap enough for me to afford the bills til you got on your feet. you know you wanna!!!!!! you know it!!

okay so maybe you dont but it was worth a shot. =)

i need to get myself to the gym also.. le sigh.
Hey I read it too...

And yeah, having to take meds to feel normal sucks..I know...I'm on them, have been for years, and would like to oneday get off them...someday. frown

You should take a road trip down here to Empire and see Amy and I. We have a big music festival this upcoming weekend!!!
I finally realized that I have been making excuses for myself for too long. I decided within less than a year from now, I WILL be living in East Lansing and going to cosmetology school. I need to stop wishing for things to change and making them happen. I am trying to take steps in that direction. At work, the residents and most of the...
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youre the cutest. but this situation is anything but cute..

geeze.. my friend randi quit teaching yoga classes after she caught a nasty skin rash at a ymca that wouldnt go away.. she also wont use gyms now.

who knows what it could be...

best of luck on the rash. and even more best of luck on moving and going to school. why east lansing? do they have a really good school there?

why not indianapolis!!?!? just kidding. im not gonna twist your arm. =P

youd be the cutest little hairdresser makeup artist on the planet!
No, YOU are the cutest my friend. I'm pretty sure it is scabies and for some reason they just don't want to admit it. Like I said, I got rid of it, but.... i'm sure that being constantly exposed to it will bring it on again. I"ve had it with my fucking job.
Yesterday, my father and little, little brother came up to the Soo to visit me. I very rarely get to see either one of them as they live about three hours away from me. We went to the valley camp ship museum, ate at Frank's Place, wandered around the Soo Locks because they wanted to see one of the big Freighters come through. I would...
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I have had an epiphany lately. I am sick to FUCKING death of making excuses for myself. I have completely watered myself down to make myself more acceptable to the backwards ass fucks that I work with and I am very very tired of it. I conformed to make myself more physically and mentally acceptable to them and I am hating myself for it. These...
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Well, we got back from our weekend downstate Monday morning at about five a.m. It was a long, boring, uneventful ride. Ani Difranco was on Friday at the Power center for the performing arts on The U of M campus. The show was good, but Ani dosn't seem to have the same "oomph" that she used to. I think she is probably just tired. She...
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awww man!! i wish i coulda joined.. Bauhaus! rahr!!!!!

i miss the heather lots.. thank you for a long update complete with heather voice.. i felt like you were right here!
oh me oh my, in just a few short days I will be seeing Ani Difranco in concert, and then two days after that NIN. It's crazy to think that in such a short time frame I will be seeing two musicians who albeit, very very different from each other have had such a profound effect on my life. Will be stopping at the great...
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okay, for anyone who cares, I am updating my journal somewhat. I don't really know what to say! I love this website and everything it stands for. I spend the vast majority of my time on here. I am trying my hand at learning to cook. I need to learn.....
my approached to cooking is thow everything in the kitchen in a pot.. =) usually it works.

if you need any recipes hit the bunnie up!

i too blow my hours on here. well off to shower than to the land of work.