Lately, I have noticed, that we have been getting more and more residents who are relatively young. However, they are so morbidly obese that they can't take care of themselves! Then they come in, and whine about the care you are giving them! I'm sorry but you are like more than twice my weight people, I'm gonna have a hard time positioning you in bed and such. We had a lady that has got to be near three hundred pounds fall on us tonight. She is so huge that she can't get herself up off the floor! We had to use one of the special lifts to get her off the goddamned floor! Then she whined the whole fucking time about falling as if it was our fault she fell. It takes this lady at least twenty minutes to walk to the bathroom from her bed which is probably only an six foot walk because she gets so winded. This fucking disgusts me. I'm all for people being all shapes and sizes and don't believe that women have to be thin to be of value to society, but there's a point that shouldn't be crossed. If you are so fucking big that you can't move around, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!!!!!! This lady, she has folds on her calves, that's right, folds of flesh on her calves that ooze this liquid. It is the grossest thing ever. It's the same thing with alcoholism and drug addiction. If you find that it is interfering with your ability to function day to day, remedy the situation. I'm tired of everyone blaming everyone else for their problems. People need to start growing up and taking responsibility for their actions and not counting on other people to clean up their mess for them.
i wouldnt be able to have much sympathy for them either.