some spineless mutherfucker stole $50 outta my wallet while i was working today. $50!!!!!!! FROM A WAITRESS!!!!!!
you have got to be one low fucker to steal $50 from a woman working for less than slave wages. THIS MAKES ME FUCKING BOIL!!! i cant believe the lack of any conscience, any morals, ANY SOUL!!!
i am a fucking waitress and a fucking student and you steal $50 fucking dollars from me??!! WHAT THE MUTHERFUCKING HELL ARE YOU DOING YOU PEICE OF SHIT EATING GARBAGE??!!
THAT FUCKING MONEY WAS FOR MY PHONE BILL!!!! whoever took it had better be feeding a starving baby or using it to buy insulin or some shit! if that gutless peice of shit buys new shoes wiht MY $50 and i find out who they are, im gonna gouge out their fucking eyes and piss in the wounds!!!
you have got to be one low fucker to steal $50 from a woman working for less than slave wages. THIS MAKES ME FUCKING BOIL!!! i cant believe the lack of any conscience, any morals, ANY SOUL!!!
i am a fucking waitress and a fucking student and you steal $50 fucking dollars from me??!! WHAT THE MUTHERFUCKING HELL ARE YOU DOING YOU PEICE OF SHIT EATING GARBAGE??!!
THAT FUCKING MONEY WAS FOR MY PHONE BILL!!!! whoever took it had better be feeding a starving baby or using it to buy insulin or some shit! if that gutless peice of shit buys new shoes wiht MY $50 and i find out who they are, im gonna gouge out their fucking eyes and piss in the wounds!!!
- 40$
- my walkman
- a David Bowie CD
- and a fuckingstupidcheapwatchthatIkeptinmybagjustincasethatsomeonewouldcomeuptomeindespairandtellemethatIonlyhavefiveminuteslefttoliveandsothatIcouldorgasnisemylastminutesleftonearth...
so I kind of understand the feeling
Thanks for your journal entry, now I can stop going to the shrink!
I'd go grab the first asshole i see by the balls and squease hard.