ahem... so remember in that last post when i alluded to my rarely used longboard? well that atfernoon idecided it was high time i take the old girl out for a spin...
and now i have a huge gaping flesh wound on my right knee, most of the skin missing from my left elbow, and a badly bruised ego. i caught some gravel going down a hill near my house. ouch man. seriously ouch.
i've spent the last five days on my couch with my leg up trying not to move around too much. today i've mastered walking up and down stairs and getting onto the streetcar. i'm healing because it's impossible for me to stay still. i was going CRAAAAAAZY in my house for that long. good thing i had seasons 6 & 7 of Buffy and season 2 of the Sopranos to keep me company or i might have started talking to myself.
oh well, i shall not dwell. these things happen when i enjoy engaging in dangerous hobbies.
maybe i'll stick to knitting and scrabble for a while.
... incidentally, anybody want to buy a Sector 9 longboard for around $150? ask me for details
and now i have a huge gaping flesh wound on my right knee, most of the skin missing from my left elbow, and a badly bruised ego. i caught some gravel going down a hill near my house. ouch man. seriously ouch.
i've spent the last five days on my couch with my leg up trying not to move around too much. today i've mastered walking up and down stairs and getting onto the streetcar. i'm healing because it's impossible for me to stay still. i was going CRAAAAAAZY in my house for that long. good thing i had seasons 6 & 7 of Buffy and season 2 of the Sopranos to keep me company or i might have started talking to myself.
oh well, i shall not dwell. these things happen when i enjoy engaging in dangerous hobbies.
maybe i'll stick to knitting and scrabble for a while.
... incidentally, anybody want to buy a Sector 9 longboard for around $150? ask me for details
I'll be doing Buffy 6 and 7 next week.....without the damage I hope. Trust you are all better now?