i took my kitten in to get fixed today, and i've never felt so guilty. i had anxiety dreams about it all last night, and woke up several times guilt-ridden and sweaty. he's home again now, but he's all stoned and unhappy. my roommate is making me feel even more guilty with her self-riteous opinions about the operation. part of me wanted to let him get old enough to start spraying on her bed linens, and biting her while he humps her leg, before i got him fixed... but that would just be mean. she has no idea what it's like to care for pets. she just gets to snuggle and play with him while i pay for everything and make the difficult decisions. he's my cat, so i of course assume these kinds of resonsibilities, but i sure wish she wouldn't spout off these ridiculous opinions that are based on no real understanding of actually being responsible for a pet's well-being.
end of rant.