that's "gone" with a D!!!
i quit my job. that's right. i am no longer a waitron. i have, officially, had enough from that sour, evil, infantile little man that i have called a boss for almost two years of my life. yesterday after asking him if i could have a word about some time i'd like to take off for the Michigan Womyn's Festival in mid-august, i was informed that he "is no longer giving people time off"
... insert my blank and confused stare here. how could this be possible?? i work part-time, as a server, specifically so i can have a flexible schedual that allows me time to study and lead a somewhat repectable social life......
he continued on to inform me that if i didn't find another server to cover my time away that i would "be replaced" while i was gone.
.... second blank and confused stare here. i took a deep breath and calmly told him that the time i want to take off is over a weekend and it would be nearly impossible for me to cover the shifts since the schedual we now have is fixed. (ps. i was letting him know about this A MONTH IN ADVANCE) there simply arn't enough staff members for me to work with, unless i completely rearranged the schedual, inconvieniencing all my co-workers.
he said he didn't care.... and then when i started to protest again he quickly brushed me off saying, "this isn't the time to argue about it", and went downstaris to his office, leaving me standing at the computer station competely stupified and near tears of frustration.
that's a little too much disrespect for me. i worked my ass off for him for almost two years, never asking for any extended period of time off, and this is what i get. honestly, i can't say that i'm surprised. he's a miserable person and wishes that everyone else share in his pathetic exsistence. so, i gave my two weeks notice at the end of my shift. it would have given me great pleasure to just quit, but that would have screwed over the other servers for brunch this weekend.
i am extremely angry that this kind of behaviour amongst restaurant owners is tolerated by their staff. in the past, i have been just a guilty as the next guy for quietly taking it up the ass so i can be assured a pay check, but this kind of behaviour is absurd and shouldn't be allowed to continue. unfortunatly, servers arn't paid enough to feel that they have any leverage. there are too many poor, young students out there to replace them the minute they take a stand, and so we don't. we just take it, and go home with our tips, and bitch about it with our co-workers while continuing to submit to the abuse we take on a regular basis.
this is the last serving job i will ever have. i'm done. it's not worth it. i'd rather make a little less cash and work for someone who doesn't treat their employees like cheap and replaceable slave labour.
i quit my job. that's right. i am no longer a waitron. i have, officially, had enough from that sour, evil, infantile little man that i have called a boss for almost two years of my life. yesterday after asking him if i could have a word about some time i'd like to take off for the Michigan Womyn's Festival in mid-august, i was informed that he "is no longer giving people time off"
... insert my blank and confused stare here. how could this be possible?? i work part-time, as a server, specifically so i can have a flexible schedual that allows me time to study and lead a somewhat repectable social life......
he continued on to inform me that if i didn't find another server to cover my time away that i would "be replaced" while i was gone.
.... second blank and confused stare here. i took a deep breath and calmly told him that the time i want to take off is over a weekend and it would be nearly impossible for me to cover the shifts since the schedual we now have is fixed. (ps. i was letting him know about this A MONTH IN ADVANCE) there simply arn't enough staff members for me to work with, unless i completely rearranged the schedual, inconvieniencing all my co-workers.
he said he didn't care.... and then when i started to protest again he quickly brushed me off saying, "this isn't the time to argue about it", and went downstaris to his office, leaving me standing at the computer station competely stupified and near tears of frustration.
that's a little too much disrespect for me. i worked my ass off for him for almost two years, never asking for any extended period of time off, and this is what i get. honestly, i can't say that i'm surprised. he's a miserable person and wishes that everyone else share in his pathetic exsistence. so, i gave my two weeks notice at the end of my shift. it would have given me great pleasure to just quit, but that would have screwed over the other servers for brunch this weekend.
i am extremely angry that this kind of behaviour amongst restaurant owners is tolerated by their staff. in the past, i have been just a guilty as the next guy for quietly taking it up the ass so i can be assured a pay check, but this kind of behaviour is absurd and shouldn't be allowed to continue. unfortunatly, servers arn't paid enough to feel that they have any leverage. there are too many poor, young students out there to replace them the minute they take a stand, and so we don't. we just take it, and go home with our tips, and bitch about it with our co-workers while continuing to submit to the abuse we take on a regular basis.
this is the last serving job i will ever have. i'm done. it's not worth it. i'd rather make a little less cash and work for someone who doesn't treat their employees like cheap and replaceable slave labour.