i have decided to stop getting stressed out. i don't like it, its not good for me, and so im just not going to do it anymore.
furthermore, i am also going to stop feeling tired all the time. there is no good reason i for me to not get enough sleep.
i was thinking today, and i've noticed that it seems that stress and sleep-deprivation are some sort of fucked up badge of honour in the student community. somehow making choices that lead to feeling like absolute shit gives students some sort of street cred. how many times have you asked a student how they are feeling that day, and you get answers like, "OMG i havn't slept for than four hours all week, i have essays coming out of my ass, i have a headache that won't go away, i can't eat, i can't sleep, and im fighting with my partner"... all the time, right?! in fact, you've probably gotten an answer like that from me a time or two.
i have come to realize that i hate feeling like that, and that there is no good reason that i should ever feel like that. stirring myself up into a tizzy does nothing for productivity or happiness. i don't want to live my life as a ball of stress and anxiety, blaming everything around me for my physical state. the only reason i ever feel stressed is because i have made choices that have led me to feeling stressed.
so, i'm not going to do it anymore. its as simple as that.
the end.
furthermore, i am also going to stop feeling tired all the time. there is no good reason i for me to not get enough sleep.
i was thinking today, and i've noticed that it seems that stress and sleep-deprivation are some sort of fucked up badge of honour in the student community. somehow making choices that lead to feeling like absolute shit gives students some sort of street cred. how many times have you asked a student how they are feeling that day, and you get answers like, "OMG i havn't slept for than four hours all week, i have essays coming out of my ass, i have a headache that won't go away, i can't eat, i can't sleep, and im fighting with my partner"... all the time, right?! in fact, you've probably gotten an answer like that from me a time or two.
i have come to realize that i hate feeling like that, and that there is no good reason that i should ever feel like that. stirring myself up into a tizzy does nothing for productivity or happiness. i don't want to live my life as a ball of stress and anxiety, blaming everything around me for my physical state. the only reason i ever feel stressed is because i have made choices that have led me to feeling stressed.
so, i'm not going to do it anymore. its as simple as that.
the end.
And when can I see a pic of you that hasn't been manipulated?