ahem... so remember in that last post when i alluded to my rarely used longboard? well that atfernoon idecided it was high time i take the old girl out for a spin...

and now i have a huge gaping flesh wound on my right knee, most of the skin missing from my left elbow, and a badly bruised ego. i caught some gravel going down...
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I'll be doing Buffy 6 and 7 next week.....without the damage I hope. Trust you are all better now?
so the trip got changed a little bit last minute, and we decided to scrap the roadtrip and go on a mountain biking camping trip instead. it turned out to be pretty much the most excellent trip i've been on in a looong while.

rode about 65km north of Ottawa and camped by the side of the Ottawa River, north of Shirley's Bay. The beach...
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i'm feelin' good today. i got a good & early start on my final paper yesterday, i got lots of glorious sleep last night, and today isn't even close to being as stinkin' hot as it has been recently.

i have my second last class today for the summer session, and to be honest i'll miss it. i usually HATE summer classes because UofT gives...
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OH! I wish I could afford a vacation. I haven't been on a roadtrip in so long.

Well, good luck with the paper and have fun on your trip hun. smile


i took my kitten in to get fixed today, and i've never felt so guilty. i had anxiety dreams about it all last night, and woke up several times guilt-ridden and sweaty. he's home again now, but he's all stoned and unhappy. my roommate is making me feel even more guilty with her self-riteous opinions about the operation. part of me wanted to let him...
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I've had do deal with irresponsible pet owners, they're hell and act the same way - tell everyone else what to do and never take care of their own. Next time she says something just say "That's what you think. I know better." and walk off. Hehehe, that'll get her. tongue

that's "gone" with a D!!!

i quit my job. that's right. i am no longer a waitron. i have, officially, had enough from that sour, evil, infantile little man that i have called a boss for almost two years of my life. yesterday after asking him if i could have a word about some time i'd like to take off for the Michigan Womyn's Festival...
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Sounds good. I was a server for one day. I couldn't handle it. So I opted for being the dishwasher. I prefer to be out and away from the public. They don't seem to like me.

i got a kitten!!! i found him outside my building inside the dumpster... whoever left him there should be shot with a ball of their own shit!

anyways, disgust towards animals-abusers aside, i named him "Elliot" and he the cutest little man you can imagine. he's an orange tabby with a loud voice and a big personality, and i get to watch him grow up...
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I like that name - cats are great to be around - enjoy
running in the morning before work is the shit-diggity! why don't i do this more often??!!

BAH! Running..............BAH!


you are a brave soul - good for you smile wink smile
several things in point form:

- im updating from my adorable new apaprtment that i love so very much!
- i might have the bestest boyfriend EV-AR! im gonna marry this boy, seriously!
- i love that its getting so warm outside
- yesterday it rained little white flowers all over my patio and it reminded me of my nana.
- this is some damn...
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im in loooooooove and i don't care if i sound sappy!
horray for you. enjoy it and dont worry about sounding sappy

[Edited on Apr 20, 2006 3:22PM]
meh, comes with the territory smile tongue

classes are done and i have lost all motivation to study for my finals. i also have two more papers due in less than two weeks.

i may be doomed.

i could be doing work right now ... but instead im watch Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and eating tofu scramble.

maybe i'll get back to my work when the movie's done... maybe...
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Ah, procrastination. The art of keeping up with yesterday. I a a master. LOL
i hate fighting. it makes me feel small.
Ya, but it happens. It's inevitable unfortunately..

Chin up, thing'll get better. biggrin They always do.
