It's coming! I'm moving in less than a week and I'm getting giddy!
I'm gonna miss SA though. I really like this city. It has so much to do and it's nice and big. I've learned that small cities have lots of insecure people that feel they need to gossip about everyone they know. That's how it was in my hometown and I'm hoping El Paso isn't like that. Even so, I'm not gonna get to know too many people so that I won't get annoyed too quickly. I'm gonna miss some of the stores they have here in SA too. Last night I went to the Gameworks arcade and spent my 4600 tickets on a Batman Collectors Edition of Monopoly. There are under 10 of those Gameworks arcades in the US and I doubt that there's one in El Paso. The game totally rocks though. My hubby and I played last night and he fucking kicked my ass. He was buying property left and right and owned all the "railroads" in less that one turn around the board.
Needless to say, I lost. haha It was fun though.
The movers are coming on Wednesday to take all my stuff! I'm gonna be so bored without my precious computer. They're taking the TV too so I'll be without that for almost a week. I'm so sad!
They should deliver my stuff by the next Monday so I should be ok. But then I still have to get the internet connected. So, who knows when I'll be able to use the computer again. Hopefully, it won't take too long though. I'm gonna take pictures of the nothingness on my way to El Paso. haha Then when I get there I'll take pics of my new apt. and the mountain view behind it! Yay!

The movers are coming on Wednesday to take all my stuff! I'm gonna be so bored without my precious computer. They're taking the TV too so I'll be without that for almost a week. I'm so sad!

Well, El Paso is somewhere in between big city and small town when it comes to alot of things, but, if you pick your friends right, and don't let things get serious, you can avoid drama for long periods of time
. And yeah.. I lived in san antonio for a couple of years, and there's alot more to do there, but, El Paso isn't completely destitute, but you have to find the stuff you like and sometimes that takes a while

I'm glad you think I'm cool, so my plan to trick people into thinking I'm cool is working muahahaha j/k. Yeah, you shouldn't have too much trouble finding the fun, I'll help you guys when I can. Well, I need to get my rear into bed, so talk to ya later