I had a gooood fucking time today. I went over to kat and jenn's house and at first we were just sitting there talking but we eventually got bored and decided to go out for a while. We went in search for some good Mexican food....TACOS!!! Unfortunately we didn't find any and had to settle for Sonic. Blah. Anyway, while waiting for our food kat and I decided to get on the merry go round and we made ourselves sick from laughing so hard. After that we went back to her place...then mine. Kat and i started watching this hilarious hentai that I had and got the idea to make a trip to the Adult Video Megaplexxx around the corner. We spent the longest time just looking at huge toys and laughing our asses off. It was fun. Then her and I bought a matching little toy! hahaha Fucking good times... I'm going to miss them soooo much when I move in a few weeks. I'm going to El Paso on the 26th of September.
I told them I'd be back once my hubby finishes his enlistment but it will be a long time to be without good friends like that. I've always believe that if you can count the number of friends you have on one hand...that's a lot. I only need one hand to count my best friends in the world. I only wish we could all be together or at least relatively close to each other but, it feels like as time goes by we get further and further apart. Oh well, I'm sure that our paths will cross again someday. Hopefully soon.

I'm sure you will make new friends in ElPaso