Well, I've got to go get my eyes checked today. It's about that time for my yearly exam. I really wouldn't be in such a rush...but my one year old thinks it's absolutely hilarious to play with the only pair of glasses I have. Hmm, I look like a major idiot when I put my glasses on, they sit crooked on my face 'cause he's bent them so much. If I go any more days with them like this, I'll just resort to Krazy Glueing them in place!! (I've done it before) I just hope this doctor I see isn't weird. The last doctor I saw (for womanly purposes) was so fucking weird!! He came into the examining room and was humming out loud..."Dum dee dum dee dum". Then he was all up in my area (as he should have been) and he just kept on humming!! If I wasn't in such an awkward position, I would have laughed my ass off. Some people just take their jobs too lightly!! Am I the only one that finds that kinda weird, humming while examining? Oh well, keeping my fingers crossed that this doctor isn't a freak!! I guess if he is it won't be as weird though 'cause he'll be looking at my eyes and not my *ahem*.

Thanks , I'm going to catch the next Janet flight and and find some way of entertaining myself in Las Vegas , I need to vent some stress just as much as I need sleep

How cute.
Whenever I get a doc for any purpose, I only try to find female doctors now. Men are always so wierd, and not very caring or gentle. I usually try to joke around with my doctors to ease the tension. I see you have an August birthday, too.