Heya!! I'm in a pretty good mood 'cause I've just gotten a couple of new body mods. First, I finally got my nipples pierced! Yea, it hurt. haha But not anymore. Then I went in to get some little skull butterflies on my chest. That kinda hurt even more. I was really scared going in, 'cause I'd never used this artist before but he ended up doing an awesome job. I was gonna post pics here but I don't feel like resizing right now. I've already posted some on my Myspace blog so here's the link if anyone's cares to see.......
Twilight's Bloggie If you do go look, tell me what you think!! I also need ideas for finish up the piece.....my artist is thinking a spider right in the middle and webs all over my chest. I'm not sure yet. Any ideas?
Twilight's Bloggie If you do go look, tell me what you think!! I also need ideas for finish up the piece.....my artist is thinking a spider right in the middle and webs all over my chest. I'm not sure yet. Any ideas?

I like the new profile pic
