My son's birthday party is this week. I'm so excited! I handmade all his candy bags and decorations. I was gonna make his cake but I couldn't find everything I needed. I just ordered him a small cake from Wal*Mart. It's gonna be so cute! It has the Grim Reaper on it and it's decorated for Halloween. His party is gonna have a Halloween theme since it's so close to the day. We finally got Gavin's costume for Halloween. He's gonna be a little devil! I found his old one from two years ago (devil also) and it fits the baby so they're gonna go as two little devils. haha Gavin is so excited about his birthday party. Every toy he sees on the television he says "I want that for my birthday". It's adorable. He even called his grandparents and gave them a list. haha Anyone from my area is more than welcome to come to the party...just leave me a message on here or e-mail me for directions! It's gonna be on Sat. at 4pm. We don't have a lot of people coming since we don't know anyone. But we're still gonna have fun.

Well too many kids in the house at once would be a painfull experience anyways , plus small parties are more fun