We took the kids to an air show today. It was really hot and i got sunburned like always. haha The kids had a lot of fun but Gavin got kinda scared with some of the loud engines when the planes would fly low to the ground. We tried to get him into some of those big tanks but he was scared of that too. Other than that it was a lot of fun. They were giving out tons of free stuff so that rocked!
Next time we go I'll be a bit more prepared. Take a blanket or chairs and some water. Caps and sunscreen!!! haha I'm sooo burned hubby is calling me his tomato.

awww a tomato, how cute hehe, well, we learn through experience and stuff, oh and by the way, I'm older now, damn, soon I'll need a walking stick and orthopedic shoes and shit hehe
Air shows can be a blast at times