I've been trying to save money because Gavin's birthday is coming up. It sucks 'cause we're so broke right now from the move and stuff like that. We had to pay a lot of fees to get our services moved. I really just wanted to get him a cute little cake and a couple of presents. But, the bad thing is his birthday is also right before Halloween so I'm not sure if I can afford both presents and costumes...
I wish I had all the money in the world for my kids but sometimes it just doesn't work that way. Oh well. At least he's still young enough not to know. Maybe I'll just merge Halloween and his birthday to try and save some money. And I'll just make him a cake instead of buying one. I'm sure I'll figure out something.

Just remember, as a little kid you have no concept of money. You just have a cake and stuff to play with. The toy I had the most fun with was a refrigerator box, and a box of crayons.
Little kids arn't snobs, we teach them that later. Make sure he has a good time, and its his birthday and it'll rock.
(I'll find a easy recipe for a cake you if you need it. If I can do it...)