New body mod again..... I've had this one for a few weeks but I'm lazy about posting shit lately. I'm a little "iffy" about it 'cause a whole bunch of people have told me I don't look too nice with it. It pisses me off a little 'cause I took out my Monroe to get this one done. Actually, it fell out at a concert...
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hey whats up
doesnt look mean. maybe they think thats the look you are going for and they are just ummm being nice.
Heya!! I'm in a pretty good mood 'cause I've just gotten a couple of new body mods. First, I finally got my nipples pierced! Yea, it hurt. haha But not anymore. Then I went in to get some little skull butterflies on my chest. That kinda hurt even more. I was really scared going in, 'cause I'd never used this artist before but he ended...
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I like the new profile pic


Doopy doo, my hubby works all night today so I'm pretty sure it's gonna be a long night in front of the computer. Hopefully my friends will come over and keep me company. If anyone feels as lonely as I will be IM me on AOL or Yahoo as Twlightofdoom.

Atleast your not the only one

I'm fucking miserable. I hate my life. I hate being fat. I hate myself. I just want to change who I am most of the time so I won't feel this way anymore. *le sigh* Oh well. I know it's not possible so I'm just learning to live with myself each and every day. It's hard but I'm sure I'll get through it.....eventually.

What happened ?
Yaaaay! So I did my taxes last night and we are getting a HUGE return. Even more than we were hoping for. I'm so happy. The only two debts that I have right now will be totally paid off and I'll still have money left over to splurge! This is awesome. Just thought I'd share some good news with my buddies!

Congrats on the return , you should consider investing the amount left over after you pay your debts

Feelin' good. Just finished with my workout!! I didn't get to go to the gym today but I just worked out here at the house. Some cardio and then some ab stuff. My friend Mayra came over and did it with me. It was really fun to do it here at the house, not worrying about anyone laughing at us or anything. We were being...
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I need to know what you want to accomplish with your training

You need to try and eat a small meal every three hours . Use 35% of your body weight as your protien target consumption . Avoid simple sugars like fruit juice , candy , or soda ... rice is actually worse than sugar , so stick to pasta or potatoes . Do not cut all the fats out of your diet , your body needs them for proper horomone production . For the meals where your family will not be eating with you , milk mixed with powdered milk will make a great meal replacement . You only need a generic multivitamin . Don't waste your time doing tons of ab work , it will actually make your waist bigger , Only aerobic activity will burn fat . It takes your body 20 minutes to deplete the glycogen stores in your liver before you will start to burn fat , so your aerobic activity should last at least 45 minutes , twice a day preferably . Leg curls will build up the back of your legs so your but will look smaller . Basic military presses will make your shoulders wider so you will have more of a V-taper to your upper torso thus making your hips look narrower .
Let me know what you are doing for a routine now with the weight and reps for each exercise , I need this info to help tailor a good routine for you
[Edited on Jan 26, 2006 2:53AM]
Let me know what you are doing for a routine now with the weight and reps for each exercise , I need this info to help tailor a good routine for you

[Edited on Jan 26, 2006 2:53AM]
Man, it's been sooooo long since I've updated this journal. I almost forgot I even had it. hehe Whoops. Not too much has happened since the last update. I have started excercising daily and eating better foods. I've lost a few pounds so far but I need to lose a LOT more to be happy. My health was what brought me to start living a...
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Bah ... what do the doctors know , they tell me I should only weigh 150 pounds at 5'10" and I'm a 250 pound bodybuilder with 10% bodyfat

Yay you guys! I'm so fucking happy right now. My daddy is coming to visit me tomorrow for a few days. I haven't seen him in over a year and he hasn't even met my youngest son. Yaaaaay!!!!! I'm picking him up at the airport at 2:30 tomorrow afternoon. He will be greeted by me and two gorgeous grandsons!
The down side is that he...
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The down side is that he...
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Thank you for the birthday greeting!

Hey babe, thanks for the birthday wishes

I'm insanely bored. Poop on my life.
Happy halloween

wow .. nice cake

He looks like he's on top of the world.