So much rain, trapped inside!!!!!!!!!
I can't wear all my funkyfine clothes if it don't stop
rainning. Maybe I'll just stay home and watch a movie.
Won more Emily buttons off of ebay last night.
Finally get to own an Emily T-shirt, too. Found someone
who will print one up on a bigger size. Most of the shirts
off the Emily site are too small or just flat out made
for girlies.
I am soo bored........STOP RAINNING!!!!!!
I can't wear all my funkyfine clothes if it don't stop
rainning. Maybe I'll just stay home and watch a movie.
Won more Emily buttons off of ebay last night.
Finally get to own an Emily T-shirt, too. Found someone
who will print one up on a bigger size. Most of the shirts
off the Emily site are too small or just flat out made
for girlies.
I am soo bored........STOP RAINNING!!!!!!