I have been thinking a lot recently, and even though it has been almost four months since the November election, I'm still urked about the whole banning of gay marriage. With the Oscars passing on Sunday I thought Sean Penn did a wonderful job jabbing in to people who don't believe in equality. I'd like to re-postsomething I wrote somewhere right after the election:
Congrats California . . . You just proved how forward thinking and advanced you are as people from Alabama, good for you!!! You let a religion based in Utah whose main charter says that you can have as many wives as you want dictate what you here should do and think. Great idea, screw all that separation of church and state stuff, it's not important anyway. You made it very clear that you are more interested in the lives of homosexuals than the government is. Way to go!!! I mean I for one am impressed, I didn't think this state was so full of bigots, but you California surprised me.
But why stop with the homosexuals marrying each other? Lets do more!!! Let's keep them segregated from us completely. Let's prevent us from ever having to meet, or work, or befriend them because they're different from us. Hell, why stop at homosexuals? Let's separate every different race, color, creed, belief and make it a crime if even think about liking someone any different than you? Then let's go to library and burn books with ideas different than ours? We can't let those ideas out in public because it might scare the weak minded. And schools! Don't forget about those, we must shelter our kids forever because knowing that there are people and things different than them could scare them, it's ok little Johnny, momma and daddy will prevent you from ever becoming aware of the world around you, and don't worry you'll do well in life.
Good work California . . . You have successfully shown the rest of the world that we are a state of Hate and Intolerance. That instead of being forward thinking we are weak minded and pathetic. That we are a state of equals . . . Unless you date your own sex, then your below human.
California . . . What a fucking joke this state is.
I've chosen not be friends with people who voted for the ban, it's my choice. I'm still a complete asshole to people I see getting out of their cars with a "Yes on Prop 8" sticker on their car, and if i don't see them get out then they have a fresh wad of spit waiting on there window when they get back.
Call me a dick, call me whatever you want, just don't say I don't wear my heart on my sleeve.
Congrats California . . . You just proved how forward thinking and advanced you are as people from Alabama, good for you!!! You let a religion based in Utah whose main charter says that you can have as many wives as you want dictate what you here should do and think. Great idea, screw all that separation of church and state stuff, it's not important anyway. You made it very clear that you are more interested in the lives of homosexuals than the government is. Way to go!!! I mean I for one am impressed, I didn't think this state was so full of bigots, but you California surprised me.
But why stop with the homosexuals marrying each other? Lets do more!!! Let's keep them segregated from us completely. Let's prevent us from ever having to meet, or work, or befriend them because they're different from us. Hell, why stop at homosexuals? Let's separate every different race, color, creed, belief and make it a crime if even think about liking someone any different than you? Then let's go to library and burn books with ideas different than ours? We can't let those ideas out in public because it might scare the weak minded. And schools! Don't forget about those, we must shelter our kids forever because knowing that there are people and things different than them could scare them, it's ok little Johnny, momma and daddy will prevent you from ever becoming aware of the world around you, and don't worry you'll do well in life.
Good work California . . . You have successfully shown the rest of the world that we are a state of Hate and Intolerance. That instead of being forward thinking we are weak minded and pathetic. That we are a state of equals . . . Unless you date your own sex, then your below human.
California . . . What a fucking joke this state is.
I've chosen not be friends with people who voted for the ban, it's my choice. I'm still a complete asshole to people I see getting out of their cars with a "Yes on Prop 8" sticker on their car, and if i don't see them get out then they have a fresh wad of spit waiting on there window when they get back.
Call me a dick, call me whatever you want, just don't say I don't wear my heart on my sleeve.
Maybe we should continue this conversation in Private Messages.

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On my page.