Since lately I've been a MAN OF MYSTERY and avoided getting any photos taken of me, I've decided to use my photo space to store pictures of old comic book covers from comic.org.

Say what you will about my comic fetish, nothing beats old DC comics for sheer unintentional comedy gold.
From henceforth, let it be known that Grand Theft Auto : San Andreas is the greatest creation made by mortal man.

A game that allows you to make your character look like Mr. T? Bitching.

A game that lets you jack a Harrier jet? Glorious.

A game that allows you to do all that, then land the plane in the middle of the city and...
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REALLY!? thats fucking awesome dude. i need to see that shit
The Orgy concert was downright bitching. Someone from my work was there and was able to get me backstage to chill with the band. They're actually a pretty cool group of folks.

Work has gotten interesting. I just got a new project to work on, and it's on something I actually like quite a bit. After the crazy overtime schedule for the past couple of...
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sounds radass.
Hooray! My work actually works out in my favor. I was able to procure free Orgy tickets at the Canyon Club. I'm not a huge fan of Orgy, but deciding between going to a show and sitting at home staring at my walls...

Well, my walls may be an NEW EXCITING OFF-WHITE color, but checking out a concert beats the hell out of it every...
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So sick of overtime. I recently realized that since about March, a
I've worked more weekends then I've had off, and more 14 hour days than normal 8 hour days. So tired.

The sad part is, I'm on salary. It's like my company is actually reaching into my pocket and taking money out of my pocket. And then proceeding to fist me with the same...
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*sigh* another day, another shitty game I have to save. Which means more goddamn overtime. I really need to get my coding down and get another job. I would still have to work OT, but I would at least be doing something I love, not meaningless scut work and bullshite office politicking. I'm really sick and tired of having to clean up other people's messes....
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cuz i am cool, thats why my car is cool. bwahahahaha. gimme a call sometime, maybe we can hit up a club or something. later dude
Fuckity fuck fuck fuck FUCK.

If you can't grasp it by now, yes, I am pretty annoyed at this particular instant.

So I took the trip to Florida, and so far it hasn't been going so well. In fact, it's giving me far more of a headache than I though a vacation should supply.

The first major annoyance is my cousin, the person I'm...
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i could have told you that before you ever went there..... i hate florida! i went there once and never wanted to go back!
So apparently I'm going to Florida in less than a week.

Me cousin decided that he would hook me up with airfare and that I could stay at his pad for a week, and given that my vacation is for the next two weeks, I couldn't very well say no (Well, I could've, but the sheer amount of douchery and dipshittery that would require is...
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Welp, my project is pretty much done at work, so my 2 1/2 months of 14 hour workdays is over with. The best part? As soon as this is out the door, I get VACATION. Sweet, sweet vacation time. 2 weeks of getting things done. I'm gonna try to get my music demo at least mostly completed, then get to work on the game mod...
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Mmm...finally got me bonus from work, and bought a brand new toy. Full-on Korg digital multitrack with CD-RW capabilities to replace my old tape multitrack someone spilled soda on. I want to have sex with it.

Finally, I can write and record without everything sounding like shite. But dammit, now I have too many hobbies. Between music, programming, work, and research, there aren't enough hours...
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